On September 13, 1999, at the power station at Tokaimura on the Pacific coast of Japan, the most serious nuclear accident since the time of Chernobyl took place. During a laboratory experiment, three technicians spilled sixteen kilograms of uranium into a sedimentation tank designed to hold little more than two. The error started a chain reaction that continued for many hours, contaminating the entire area surrounding the station for a radius of several kilometers.
Continue reading (en/fr)-The End of the World by Mare Almani (Diavolo in Corpo)
Category Archives: text
EMILE HENRY “Why I Fired Into the Crowd” 1894
It is not a defence that I present to you. I am not in any way seeking to escape the reprisals of the society I have attacked. Besides, I acknowledge only one tribunal – myself, and the verdict of any other is meaningless to me. I wish merely to give you an explanation of my acts and to tell you how I was led to perform them.
Continue reading EMILE HENRY “Why I Fired Into the Crowd” 1894
In ogni caso nessun rimorso
In ogni caso nessun rimorso
Pino Cacucci
Tea due – Longanesi e C., Milano 1996
Feltrinelli, Milano 2003
La popolazione carceraria in Italia e’ in continuo aumento e le condizioni di detenzione sono sempre piu’ tragiche ed insostenibili.
L’Anarchismo e la nostra epoca Nestor Makhno
L’anarchismo – sia che lo si intenda in senso stretto usando il termine che compare nei dizionari politici, sia che coincida col termine che viene usato dai nostri oratori propagandisti durante le conferenze – non è solamente una teoria che tratta dell’aspetto sociale della vita umana: l’anarchismo è anche lo studio della vita umana in generale.
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La banda Bonnot – Prima parte
Federico Buono – Frammento-Parabola Ope-Legis
Fragment – Parabola – Ope Legis (Federico Buono-Edizioni Cerbero)
The parabola Ope Legis is the existential abode of those who redeem their lives in the ordinary-order of life.
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The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)
The tradition of the oppressed teaches us
that the state of exception in which we live is the rule.
We must achieve a concept of history that corresponds to this fact.
—Walter Benjamin
The concept of Rights is a huge apparatus that creates exclusion, that is based on exclusion, and yet the chorus of protest against every sort of exclusion merely demands rights, hoping that the heaven of Rights extends itself to newer and newer lands. In fact, democracy is conceived as this progressive conquest of newer and newer spaces. This is why it is not only defended, but also exported. The of legal acknowledgements must cover more of the possibilities and aspirations of individuals every day. An individual who has his rights is a citizen, which is to say a being who has the right of citizenship in the democratic City.
With the most varied intentions, many are waiting for a renewal of democracy.
Continue reading The Camps Under the Heavens by Adonide (Diavolo In Corpo)
Una Sintesi Anarchica – Volin (1924?)
Definiamo sintesi anarchica una tendenza oggi presente in seno al movimento libertario, che cerca di conciliare e, successivamente, sintetizzare le differenti correnti di idee che dividono questo movimento in varie frazioni più o meno reciprocamente ostili. Si tratta, in fondo, di unificare in una certa misura la teoria e anche il movimento anarchico, in un insieme armonioso, ordinato e concluso. Dico “in una certa misura” poiché, naturalmente, la concezione anarchica non potrebbe, e non dovrebbe mai, diventare rigida, immutabile, stagnate. Essa deve rimanere flessibile, viva, ricca di idee e di tendenze varie.
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