Category Archives: repression

Frontex: Greece needs assistance to combat illegal immigration

Greece needs assistance as it can not combat alone the inflow of illegal immigrants said Frontex executive director Ilka Laitinen in response to a relevant request by ND European Parliament deputy Giorgos Papanikolaou.

Frontex chief agreed with the Greek Eurodeputy that Turkey’s refusal to cooperate is a tough blow to efforts to combat illegal immigration.

Furthermore, he underlined that Greece’s problem did not lie with the arrest and registration of illegal immigrants but with the management of the number of illegal immigrants entering into the country. On this specific point the new asylum service should play an important role.



Viterbo – Comunicato sulle perquisizioni del 1/6/2012

riceviamo e diffondiamo:

L’ acuirsi della crisi che il capitale vive dal 2008 esige come risposta per la ripresa dei propri profitti una “semplice” ricetta: compressione dei salari, aumento dello sfruttamento, intensificazione dei ritmi di produzione, allungamento dell’orario lavorativo,straordinari e,allo stesso tempo, precariato e cassintregrazione, che i padroni non pagano.
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(es-it) Santa Rosa Leleque: ¡No habrá desalojo!

01 de junio de 2012
Mary mary pu peñi, pu lamien y a la sociedad en general
Juntos a los newenes de las mahuizas, de la pirren, del viento, y de todos nuestros hermanos mapuches, y compañeros no mapuche que nos visitan y nos dan fuerzas día a día.
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Comuneros mapuche de Maihue del sector de Pilmaiken se preparan para resistir un violento desalojo

Comuneros mapuche de del sector de pilmaiken Osorno nos informan que a esta hora un gran contingente policial se aproxima al lugar Maihue, donde estos se aprestaban a realizan un gran Gnllatun (ceremonia Mapuche) según fuentes cercanas a comunidades mapuches nos indican que una orden emanada de fiscalía de sorno es la que carabineros estaría llevando a cabo.
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Montreal, QC: Updates on the “smoke bomb terrorism” case and more

from sabotagemedia (see their site for more regular updates on the unrest in Montreal), heres an update on May 23rd and 24th from Montreal:

May 23 – Hostage of the smoke bombs case released under conditions

The last accused still held in the case of the smoke bombs in the subway, on May 10th, has been released on parole.
Continue reading Montreal, QC: Updates on the “smoke bomb terrorism” case and more