Category Archives: informal

Se ha ganado una batalla, pero la guerra continúa.


Reflexiones sobre las absoluciones en el “Caso Bombas” y a un año de lo ocurrido con el compañero Luciano Pitronello.

(Por: Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras)  

Estamos muy conscientes de que esto es una guerra, compuesta por muchas pequeñas e infinitas batallas.”

(Palabras de algunos anarquistas de USA, llamado a solidarizar con los anarquistas torturados por policias tras una manifestacion en Chicago en Mayo de 2012.)

Continue reading Se ha ganado una batalla, pero la guerra continúa.

Λα Πας, Βολιβία: Ανάληψη ευθύνης για εμπρηστική επίθεση ενάντια στην αντιπροσωπεία αυτοκινήτων Imcruz

«Σε μια κοινωνία που έχει καταστρέψει κάθε δυνατή περιπέτεια, η μόνη δυνατή περιπέτεια είναι η καταστροφή της (ίδιας) κοινωνίας».

Το Κεφάλαιο είναι παγκόσμιο, επεκτείνεται σε όλο τον πλανήτη, κι αν κάποτε υπήρχε μια διέξοδος, σήμερα δεν απομένει ούτε η πιο απομακρυσμένη πιθανότητα κάποιας απόπειρας αυτοεξορίας, εκτός απ’ αυτήν της απάθειας και της παραίτησης. Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι η εξάπλωση του Κεφαλαίου υπερβαίνει μια απλή γεωγραφική υπόθεση ή τη χωρική αντίληψή του· απεναντίας, η γενίκευσή του έρχεται ως δεδομένη, πάνω απ’ όλα, μέσω και της αναπαράστασης και της αναπαραγωγής του σε κάθε πτυχή της «ζωής» ή του περιορισμού (καταναγκασμού) της· σε κάθε σχέση μεταξύ ανθρώπων ή σε κάθε σχέση των ανθρώπων με τον περίγυρό τους και/ή άλλα είδη, το Κεφάλαιο είναι παρόν (καταναλώνεται) ως αιτία και ως αποτέλεσμα, την ίδια στιγμή, με τρόπο ιδεολογικό και/ή υλικό. Το Κεφάλαιο και το κράτος μέσα στη διαδικασία/πρόοδο του πολιτισμού συνιστούν το απαύγασμα και το απόγειο όλων των συστημάτων καταπίεσης, κυριαρχίας και εκμετάλλευσης· εντός αυτών έχουν τελειοποιηθεί, προσαρμοστεί και ενσωματωθεί, και το ιστορικό αδιαχώριστο θέατρο όλων αυτών των μορφών εξουσίας (τάξης, φύλου, φυλής, είδους κ.τ.λ.) δεν ήταν ούτε θα είναι άλλο από την κοινωνία.

Από τις απαρχές του πολιτισμού, δηλαδή απ’ το σχηματισμό των πρώτων κοινωνιών, όταν η βία οργανώθηκε και συστηματοποιήθηκε, πρέπει να ξεκίνησαν οι πρώτες εμπειρίες αντίστασης και ανυποταξίας. Πλάι στην ανάπτυξη της «οικουμενικής/επίσημης» Ιστορίας –που υπηρετεί την εξουσία ως στοιχείο κανονικοποίησης, κοινωνικού και προπαγανδιστικού ελέγχου– υπάρχει μια μνήμη, η Ιστορία που μεγαλώνει (στο βαθμό που εμείς οι ίδιοι το φροντίζουμε αυτό) και που επιχειρείται να φιμωθεί, καθώς είναι μια Ιστορία ζωντανή, της δράσης που δεν είναι ουδέτερη αλλά λειτουργεί ως εργαλείο ανάλυσης και εκμάθησης, που τροφοδοτεί και δίνει κίνητρο σ’ εκείνους που μισούν γιατί βλέπουν/νιώθουν την εγγενή δυναμική της εξουσίας και της εξημέρωσης –την οποία η πρόοδος και η δημοκρατία επιχειρούν να αποκρύψουν–, σ’ εκείνους που αμφισβητούν αυτή την πραγματικότητα και δεν επιβιώνουν στην αδράνεια της εργασίας και της κατανάλωσης, σ’ εκείνους που δεν ανέχονται την καθημερινή βία του συστήματος και αντιλαμβάνονται την εγκυρότητα, αναγκαιότητα, μέχρι και το επείγον μιας απελευθερωτικής βίας ενάντια στην ηγεμονική βία της εξουσίας. Αυτοί οι αντάρτες/αντάρτισσες που επιμένουν να προπαγανδίζουν ιδέες και πρακτικές, οι οποίες αμφισβητούν, αρνούνται και καταστρέφουν αυτή την πραγματικότητα, πάντα ήταν και θα συνεχίσουν να ’ναι επικίνδυνοι/-ες για όσους διαιωνίζουν τις υπάρχουσες συνθήκες διαβίωσης.
Continue reading Λα Πας, Βολιβία: Ανάληψη ευθύνης για εμπρηστική επίθεση ενάντια στην αντιπροσωπεία αυτοκινήτων Imcruz

Indonesia: Carta de Eat desde la cárcel

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) está cumpliendo 1 año y 8 meses de prisión por haber incendiado un cajero automático junto al compañero Billy Augustan, ambos miembros de la Célula Larga Vida Luciano Tortuga– FAI/FRI.

Queridxs cmopañerxs, orgullosxs miembros de la FAI/FRI Global, nuestrxs amigxs encarceladxs de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego, y todos los grupos, individuos, que dedican sus vidas a acabar con la megamáquina de control y dominación y a todxs lxs anarco-heréticxs.
Continue reading Indonesia: Carta de Eat desde la cárcel

Viterbo – Comunicato sulle perquisizioni del 1/6/2012

riceviamo e diffondiamo:

L’ acuirsi della crisi che il capitale vive dal 2008 esige come risposta per la ripresa dei propri profitti una “semplice” ricetta: compressione dei salari, aumento dello sfruttamento, intensificazione dei ritmi di produzione, allungamento dell’orario lavorativo,straordinari e,allo stesso tempo, precariato e cassintregrazione, che i padroni non pagano.
Continue reading Viterbo – Comunicato sulle perquisizioni del 1/6/2012

Genova – Riflessione sul comunicato FAI/FRI e reazioni

riceviamo e diffondiamo:

A proposito della palude genovese e dei fatti che in essa accadono

La rivendicazione del ferimento di Roberto Adinolfi, amministratore delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare ha provocato varie reazioni, alcune di plauso, altre di critica.

Prima di esprimermi al riguardo, ci tengo a constatare (l’unica nota positiva attualmente, almeno a mio parere) che è stato rotto il tabù del silenzio, imperante dagli anni ’70/’80, per cui di fronte alle “azioni armate” è doveroso tacere – e dunque non esprimere critiche o perplessità – in omaggio a una presunta solidarietà tra “rivoluzionari”, “solidarietà” praticata sempre in modo unidirezionale, ovvero dai più deboli nei confronti dei più forti “sul campo”.
Continue reading Genova – Riflessione sul comunicato FAI/FRI e reazioni

en it – New sabotage actions in Bristol (UK)

From IMC UK:

1 June 2012

Bristol has a strong history and present of destroying billboards and subverting adverts [*], and the amount of ripped down and subverted adverts around Bristol) In the last few weeks we made a contribution to this by making three attacks on the advertising industry.

We burned a Clear Channel van (one of the main advertising companies) in Staple Hill by setting fire to the front grill and causing an engine fire, most likely writing-off the vehicle.

We also tore down a billboard on Netham Road, by sawing through the wooden supports and pulling it down with a rope. Over two weeks later it has still not been replaced.

We attacked a second billboard, a giant free-standing, back-lit one on St. Philip’s Causeway by climbing up and cutting the advert on both sides and prying open the electric box, switching off the power and cutting wires and ripping out components. This space was “liberated” from advertising for more than three days.

This is for every advert that reminds us that women equal sex.

For every advert that creates and exploits our insecurities.

For every advert that gives ecocidal industry a friendly green face.

For every advert that endlessly re-inscribes impossible standards of masculinity and femininity, that are anyway ridiculous constructs.

For every advert that tokenises people of colour, whilst still normalising whiteness as the default cultural standard.

For every advert that shouts that happiness is the latest smart phone and fulfilment is an 4×4 on the drive of a suburban home.

We want to expose this relentless assault as psychological warfare; a violation of our senses so complete that we can find no sanctuary in civilisation’s cage. Billboards provide a mirror in which we see reflected the true value our lives have in Capitalist society – as consumers. The value at which we are bought and sold along with our desires, bodies and aspirations. A society that brings people together only to fulfil commercial rituals.

Christos Stratigopoulos is someone who refused to buy this tranquilising dream, and who chose instead to steal back some livelihood outside of wage slavery. He is imprisoned in Greece, having claimed political responsibility for robbing a bank in 2009. The state is trying to stop his return to the streets by now accusing him of a second robbery. We don’t forget you Christos – In social war no fighter stands alone.

We refuse the identity of consumer. We want to break the mirrors and rewrite our lives. This present reality is not the only one within our reach, and through it’s destruction we can discover our immense potential for freedom.

Smash Capitalism, Patriarchy, White Supremacy, the State! Long live anarchy!

30 May 2012

We attacked Bristol Conservative Association, just off Whiteladies Road, because let’s face it, their windows are calling out to be broken. We broke the main windows and threw paint. We sprayed “SCUM” and an anarchy sign over their front door and wall to make it difficult to remove.

This is a rejection of all party politics. The whole system must go.

Brand A, or Brand B, Pepsi or Cola, Labour or Conservative, we are allowed to chose anything we want as long as it’s within the pre-written guidelines of capitalism, the state, and the myth of democracy.

These non-choices will not contain us, despite the Tories proposed increase in state surveillance powers.

The Con-Dem government have slashed benefits, criminalised squatting, cut back services, denied access to the “justice” system and generally continued and escalated Labours war on the poor.

This isn’t a reformist gesture, but a small gesture of our defiance. Governments have proven throughout time that their only interest is serving the rich and they don’t give a fuck about the rest of us. The only way we will find true freedom is through the destruction of the state and capitalism.

Abbiamo tirato giù un cartellone in Netham Road, tranciando i supporti di legno e tirandolo giù con una fune. Dopo due settimane non è ancora stato ripristinato.

Abbiamo attaccato un secondo cartellone gigante situato in St. Philip’s Causeway scalandolo e tagliando il cartellone su entrambi i lati, sottratto la centralina elettrica, tolta la corrente e tagliati i cavi. Questo spazio è stato “liberato” dalla pubblicità per più di tre gi

Questo è per ogni pubblicità che ci ricorda che le donne equivalgono al sesso.
Continue reading en it – New sabotage actions in Bristol (UK)

Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12

Act for freedom now!/boubourAs

R.S. Trial Update, Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12


With the beginning of the session N.Maziotis paid respect to fighter Dimitris Christoulas (the man who committed suicide outside parliament because of his debts). His action, he said, is related to this case, because he left a clear political message, a call for armed struggle, which was especially addressed to the youth who have no future. He read the entire letter left by Dimitris Christoulas and noted that the call to arms is necessary and urgent in order to overthrow the regime.

Concerning the action on the ministry of Economy, N.Maziotis noted that it was an answer to the neoliberal policy of the then Karamanlis government. What is the ministry of Economy? The main ministry which applies the policies of the individual government. The aim of this ministry is the support of the rich and the robbing of the poor. Therefore, it applies class policy (at this point he read parts from the communique published by the Revolutionary Struggle). What is this development policy, which they always speak of? It is dictated by the EU and the ECB. N.Maziotis spoke of the lending model of a country for the support of the capital, the application of industrialization, the shrinking of the workforce.

This “development policy”, he said, is responsible for the massive debt and the enslavement of the people by the IMF. Insurance is downgraded, everything is privatized, even Health, the insurance funds are robbed by law. Then, N.Maziotis referred to the upsurge of neoliberalism, with Mitsotakis government, which was developed and imposed substantially by the Simitis government. He spoke of the common aim of Pasok and Nea Dimokratia, the support of the capital, and differences in the imposition rhythms, he mentioned Maastricht and the integration of Greece into the EMU, which was considered an accomplishment.

Continue reading Greece – Revolutionary Struggle Trial Update Session Session 19, Thursday, 19/4/12