All posts by feartosleep

‘Delito de rebelión’ por oponerse al monopolio capitalista: presos políticos, entre torturas e invisibilización

Por: Azalea Robles
De los 9.500 presos políticos que tiene el estado colombiano, se estima que cerca del 90% son civiles encarcelados por su actividad política, su pensamiento crítico, su oposición a las políticas depredadoras del medio ambiente: sindicalistas, líderes agrarios, académicos… la tortura es sistemática

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The Liberation of Motion Through Space by Feral Faun

Time is a system of measurement, which is to say, a ruler, and authority. There is a reason why, during many insurrections, clocks have been smashed and calendars burned. There was a semi-conscious recognition on the part of the insurgents that these devices represented the authority against which they rebelled as much as did the kings or presidents, the cops or soldiers. But it never took long for new clocks and calendars to be created, because inside the heads of the insurgents the concept of time still ruled.
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