–riceviamo e pubblichiam;
Maurizio De mone – le d…a spersonalizzazione.pdf
Time is a system of measurement, which is to say, a ruler, and authority. There is a reason why, during many insurrections, clocks have been smashed and calendars burned. There was a semi-conscious recognition on the part of the insurgents that these devices represented the authority against which they rebelled as much as did the kings or presidents, the cops or soldiers. But it never took long for new clocks and calendars to be created, because inside the heads of the insurgents the concept of time still ruled.
Continue reading The Liberation of Motion Through Space by Feral Faun
Sábado 28 de Julio de 2.012
Abrimos a las 21:00, el concierto empieza a las 22:00 Puntual.
Continue reading NOISE & SEITAN VOL. IV @ Coko Squat Madrid
GENOVA – Sono irreperibili Francesco ‘Jimmy’ Puglisi e Vincenzo Vecchi, i due antagonisti che hanno avuto le condanne più alte (rispettivamente a 15 e 13 anni, con uno sconto tra 9 e 12 mesi) per le devastazioni al G8 di Genova del 2001.
La policía municipal ha impedido el paso del encierro en la calle Estafeta. Después, la policía nacional se ha liado a pelotazos.
Continue reading [Iruña] Cargas policiales, varios heridos y cuatro detenidos en el encierro de la villavesa
Charla del compañero Gustavo Rodríguez, en el Centro Social Okupado “Casa Naranja”, realizada el pasado domingo 3 de julio
Continue reading Ilegalismo anarquista: ¡Valga la redundancia – Gustavo Rodriguez