Im Herbst 2010 und im darauf folgendem Jahr wurden die Anarchist_innen Alexander Frantskewitsch, Nikolaj Dedok, Artem Propenko, Pawel Syromolotov, Eugenij Waskowitsch und Igor Olinewitsch zu drei, viereinhalb, sieben und acht Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Continue reading [MUC] Kundgebung 30.6.: Solidarität mit den anarchistischen Gefangenen in Weißrussland
Monthly Archives: June 2012
en fr – Brussels – Minister of Interior targeted
BRUSSELS – During the night of Friday on Saturday, the car of Joelle Milquet, Federal Minister of Interior, was stolen in Brussels. The robbers broke into her house, stole her keys and took her car, a VW Touareg V6 Bluemotion, equipped with blue beacons.
Next day, the car was found back in front of the party headquarters of Milquet’s political party CDH in Brussels.
Coincidence or intended act?
Continue reading en fr – Brussels – Minister of Interior targeted
Coordinating National Research Programmes and Policies on Major Events Security in Europe
The EU-SEC II Consortium establishes the European House of Major Events Security
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France: Rendu du procès antiterroriste contre 6 camarades
Riots break out in Ano Liosia, NW Athens
The district of Ano Liosia, in NW Athens, has a large Roma population; the community’s relationship with the police has often been tense: last year, a DIAS motorcycle policeman ran over and killed a 6-year old Roma girl.
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Pegatita en Solidaridad con el Caso Ardire en italia
en fr – Marche – Bombs on the construction site of a new prison
MARCHE-EN-FAMENNE – Five artisanal bombs have been discovered on the construction site of the new prison, by the company Valens-Duchêne. The bombs were equipped with a retarding system and incendiairy bottles.
Continue reading en fr – Marche – Bombs on the construction site of a new prison
Antti Rautiainen denied Russian visa request
On Thursday, the 14th of June anarchist and member of the Moscow – Autonomous Action, Antti Rautiainen, was denied his Russian visa request. The refusal was not exaplained.
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Repressionswelle gegen Anarchist_Innen in Italien
Um 4 Uhr am Morgen des 13. Juni 2012 begann das ROS (die Antiterroreinheit der Carabinieri) mit Durchsuchungen in über vierzig Wohnungen in ganz Italien im Rahmen einer repressiven Operation, die unter dem Namen „Operation Kühnheit“ („Operazione Ardire“) läuft.
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Sonja muss raus! Knastkundgebung am 7. Juli in Frankfurt
Kundgebung am Samstag, 7. Juli ab 15 Uhr vor dem Knast Preungesheim, Obere Kreuzäckerstraße 4
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