Lying Prison Social Worker Has Future Career Prospects Dashed

When lying prison social worker Brendan Barnett’s bosses eventually baulk at covering up for him, and the Scottish Prison Service throw him to the wolves as they did with their previous stooge Matt Stillman, he may find he has serious career problems. However, as Leeds ABC recently reported (see the man whose lies have made Edinburgh ‘Criminal Justice Services’ a laughing stock, was recently offered alternative work. ‘Pinocchio Productions’ hoped to use Barnett’s growing reputation as a world-class liar to enhance their planned stage version of ‘Pinocchio’, with the Edinburgh social worker being offered the lead role as the wooden-headed puppet whose nose grows when he lies.
Continue reading Lying Prison Social Worker Has Future Career Prospects Dashed

Close Supervision Centres-Torture Units in the UK

Here to download – a collaboratively produced pamphlet from inside and outside the prison walls, for printing and distribution about Close Supervision Centres in the UK prison network.

With an introduction by Mark Barnsley of LeedsABC; many articles and texts from John Bowden, our comrade currently residing in HMP Shotts, Scotland; first hand accounts from inside these maximum security segregation units from prisoners such as Kevan Thakrar and Kyle Major; and many articles, testimonies and denunciations from families, supporters, and other people fighting against these degrading and despicable institutions; this text is a call-out for renewed pressure on the prison system and the web of screws, bureaucrats, health care professionals, managers etc. that enact overt and covert abuses on inmates of the CSC system every day.

The text will be available in paper format soon from Kebele Infoshop, 56a Infoshop, and further afield we hope. Please right click and click save as below to download in electronic format:

CSCs Torture Units in the UK SCREEN (for reading on computer)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK IMPOSED (large file – for printing as booklet)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK A4 (single A4 pages)


Επιθετικός Προσδιορισμός #10

Το δέκατο τεύχος του Επιθετικού Προσδιορισμού, κυκλοφορεί και αλητεύει στους δρόμους, τα σχολεία, τις πλατείες, τα φροντιστήρια του Ιλίου, των Αγίων Αναργύρων, της Πετρούπολης, του Καματερού… Το έντυπο, μπορείτε να το αναζητήσετε και στον χώρο του Θερσίτη.


Για να κατεβάσετε το δέκατο τεύχος του Επιθετικού Προσδιορισμού σε αρχείο μορφής pdf πατήστε εδώ.


Punto di polemica egoista-dibattito con Parole Armate sull’etica

Qui di seguito è pubblicata una critica-tentativo di dibattito da parte di un individuo per quel che riguarda la nostra premessa al testo “Amministrare la paura.
Molto interessante è vedere da un differente punto di vista ciò che è successo a Brindisi e ciò che scriviamo; sebbene ci siano punti di questa critica che sono stati interpretati in modo differente da quello che volevamo comunicare noi ed altri punti di polemica su cui abbiamo vedute diverse, bisogna cominciare ad aprire un dibattito su come superare ed annullare le gabbie interne, quelle forse più difficili da distruggere, come l’etica e la morale; riteniamo che questo breve testo sia un ottimo modo per avviare una critica ed un’autocritica che vadano a mettere in discussione ed eliminare le tracce di morale che si sono radicate dentro di noi per colpa dell’educazione e della società e che contenga quesiti e critiche che dovrebbero porsi tutti coloro che puntano all’annichilimento dei muri ostracizzanti insiti dentro di noi.
Continue reading Punto di polemica egoista-dibattito con Parole Armate sull’etica

Trikala, Greece: Letter of prison inmate S.M.

I don’t care if I am now held in prison because I stood a just or unjust trial, or because my charges were cooked inside a department of the Greek police; not even if some mass media, like zougla, espresso, and so forth, were in a hurry for their next edition, and thus wrote whatever they—or better yet the cops—wanted without substantiating their assertions in any way. I don’t care because I neither acknowledge, nor respect any law or court, let alone those ‘people’ who enforce laws on us and take care of their implementation and propagation (from the most apathetic cop to the president of the republic). Especially since their only aim is to preserve social inequality, thereby the rich to remain rich and the poor to either become their slaves or at least unable to disrupt this kind of balance. Whoever understands this binary system (oppressor-oppressed) can explain almost everything that occurs at the political-economic level.
Continue reading Trikala, Greece: Letter of prison inmate S.M.