Tag Archives: Wolfi Landstreicher

Dalla Politica alla Vita – Wolfi Landstreicher

Fin dai tempi in cui per la prima volta si è definito movimento radicale autonomo, l’anarchismo è stato associato alla sinistra. Un’associazione il più delle volte problematica. I militanti di sinistra con un incarico di potere (compresi quelli anarchici, come i capi della C.N.T. e della F.A.I. nella Spagna del 1936-37) hanno sempre considerato d’ostacolo ai propri programmi politici il fine anarchico della trasformazione totale della vita — e il conseguente principio secondo cui i fini dovrebbero essere già insiti nei mezzi di lotta impiegati. L’insorgenza reale è sempre scoppiata altrove rispetto a qualsivoglia programma politico e gli anarchici più coerenti hanno intravisto la possibilità di realizzare i loro sogni proprio in un luogo sconosciuto ed altro. Tuttavia, a più riprese, quando i fuochi dell’insurrezione si raffreddavano (e talvolta perfino mentre bruciavano ancora ardentemente, come nel 1936-37), i leader anarchici hanno finito coll’assumere il ruolo di «coscienza della sinistra».
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De la Politique à la Vie

Dans ce texte sous forme de proposition générale pour une rupture avec la gauche adressée à tous les anarchistes qui ne souhaitent plus attendre de miraculeux lendemains qui chantent, l’auteur trace des pistes claires pour une lutte anti-politique avec pour volonté d’avoir une incidence sur la pensée comme sur les actes.
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Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention: A Tension in Practice by Wolfi Landstreicher


Introduction: a few definitions and explanations

Any potentially liberatory struggle among the exploited and dispossessed must be based on autonomous self-organization. As anarchists, who are also usually among the exploited, we have every reason to participate in and encourage these struggles. But since we have specific ideas of how we want to go about our struggles and a specifically revolutionary aim, our participation takes the form of an intervention seeking to move the struggles in a specific direction. Having no desire to be any sort of vanguard or leadership or to be caught up in the joyless game of politicking, we find ourselves in a tension of trying to live our conception of struggle and freedom within the context of an unfree reality, of trying to confront the real daily problems we face with our own refusal to play by the rules of this world. Thus, the question of autonomous self-organization and anarchist intervention is an ongoing problem with which to grapple, refusing to fall into easy answers and faith in organizational panaceas. To begin exploring this question let’s start with a few definitions and explanations.
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“Les buts de la révolution anarchiste”, par Wolfi Landstreicher

[Cet article, publié en anglais dans le journal anarchiste insurrectionnaliste américain Wilful Disobedience au début des années 2000, a été écrit par son principal auteur Wolfi Landstreicher. Si son propos peut paraitre court, voir synthétique, il pose la question de l’opposition traditionnelle entre individu et communauté d’une manière assez inédite, à la manière d’un Malatesta (même si ce dernier se définissait plus ouvertement anarchiste-communiste) et romps avec les clivages traditionnels encore prégnants qui traversent les mouvements anarchistes et anti-autoritaires.]  

 L’individualisme et le communisme. 
Les buts de révolution anarchiste.
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[Wolfi Landstreicher] La práctica anarquista como juego subversivo

Cuando descubrí las ideas anarquistas a finales de los años 70, principios de los 80, era común que se hablase de juego subversivo, bajo la influencia de la Internacional Situacionista y de los aspectos positivos de la contracultura. Hay mucho a ganar pensando nuestra práctica en estos términos. En particular pienso que considerar la práctica revolucionaria anarquista como un juego subversivo es una buena manera de comprender los objetivos, principios y métodos anarquistas que constituyen la base de desarrollo de nuestras estrategias y tácticas.
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An Immense, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud Crime

Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred

by Wolfi Landstreicher

“In crime the egoist has hitherto asserted himself and mocked at the sacred; the break with the sacred, or rather of the sacred, may become general. A revolution never returns, but an immense, reckless, shameless, conscienceless, proud—crime, doesn’t it rumble in the distant thunder, and don’t you see how the sky grows ominously silent and gloomy?”—Max Stirner

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