Tag Archives: text

Tecnología y lucha de clases [Willful Disobedience]

La explotación no sólo continúa, sino que se ha intensificado nítidamente después de la nueva tecnología. La Cibernética ha permitido la descentralización de la producción, extendiendo pequeñas unidades de producción a lo largo del terreno social. La automación ha reducido drásticamente el número de trabajador@s de producción necesari@s para un proceso de manufacturación particular. La cibernética además crea métodos para hacer dinero sin producir nada real, por tanto permitiendo al capital expandirse sin el coste del trabajo.
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Bonnot and the Evangelists (machete)

Survivors have always hounded social movements. Survivors of battles considered lost, survivors of decomposed ideologies, survivors of unrealized utopias, sorry figures who present their own personal defeat as if it were a historical defeat with the aim of finding some public justification for their human misery. As is known, since life is over for the survivor, it is necessary to consider how to face survival, and some of them can’t resist dedicating themselves to literature.. If their experience and knowledge did not serve yesterday to make the revolution, let them at least serve today for getting by!
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The Label of Things by V. Basilio

Journalists, politicians, economists, intellectuals, the great people of the world of the spectacle, are all in agreement in showing the world in which we live as the best of all possible worlds. A world in which inhabitants live to work and are forced to work to live, where anyone who does not have a job feels deprived of his own life. And where demanding anything else is considered a tragic illusion refuted by history. Nothing must disturb this conviction that has been repeated so often that it has become a matter of fact, an established truth.
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Nos ha tocado unos tiempos difíciles, claro. A primera vista no encontramos ninguna lucha que nos acabe de convencer y, aunque sentimos el malestar y el descontento social en todas las esferas de lo cotidiano, vemos también la serie de terapias que el sistema nos brinda para poder soportar lo que deviene insoportable: la alienación del control sobre nuestras vidas y la soledad a la que el individualismo exasperado nos aboca. Esto nos afecta, nos provoca dolor, nos destruye.

Sobre los objetivos y los métodos de la crítica (Willful Disobedience)

El desarrollo de una práctica anarquista coherente basada en nuestro deseo de recuperar nuestras vidas requiere el uso continuo del análisis crítico a todos los niveles. Pero, como con la totalidad de la práctica anarquista, la crítica sólo es útil cuando uno tiene claros los objetivos de la práctica y desarrolla métodos consistentes con estos objetivos. Aquí como en todas las otras áreas de la práctica, nuestros medios tienen que englobar nuestros fines.
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Paneroticism: The Dance of Life – by Feral Faun

Chaos is a dance, a flowing dance of life, and this dance is erotic. Civilization hates chaos and, therefore, also hates Eros. Even in supposedly sexually free times, civilization represses the erotic. It teaches that orgasms are events that happen only in a few small parts of our bodies and only through the correct manipulation of those parts.
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