After the movie theatres had record crowds during the projections of the movie, Robocop, years ago, for a short time one of the TV networks broadcast a series of shows in which the protagonist was the famous anti-crime character from the movie.
Continue reading THE PROSTHESIS OF CONTROL by Antonio Budini
Tag Archives: text
Armi Della Critica e Critica Alle Armi (di Umanita’ Nova)
Avanguardismo o azione diretta?
“Quando si sta portando una rivoluzione per la liberazione dell’umanita’, bisogna avere rispetto della vita di ogni uomo e di ogni donna….Il terrorismo viola la liberta’ degli individui e percio’ non puo’ essere utilizzato per costruire una societa’ anarchica“.
Michail Bakunin
L’immediata gestione mediatica del mostruoso attentato di Brindisi la dice lunga su quali sono le intenzioni dell’oligarchia al potere. Un atto vile, di terrorismo indiscriminato, contro delle giovani donne, antisociale e criminale, viene tranquillamente assimilato ad episodi di lotta armata, magari con origini greche, con contorno mafioso, con l’obiettivo palese della realizzazione dell’unita’ di tutti gli schieramenti in difesa dello Stato, un’unita’ che abbiamo visto all’opera negli anni della solidarieta’ nazionale, delle leggi speciali, dell’arretramento sociale e culturale del paese.
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“Rage endormie”, Anonyme.
The Floodgates by Apioludd
(translated from Italian)
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Freedom’s Disorder by Massimo Passamani
The state is the supreme expression of institutional order. It is a model of social organization built on hierarchy, control and coercion. According to one view that many anarchists share, institutional order is nothing other than the usurpation of another kind of order that could be described as spontaneous.
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Bruno Filippi, Arte libera di uno spirito libero
Bruno Filippi
(1900 – 1919)
Arte libera di uno spirito libero
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Children’s Thoughts by Massimo Passamani
Yes, I know, we are all against axioms, guarantees, certainties.
But can we really live without sharing our being against—without depending upon this sharing?
Continue reading Children’s Thoughts by Massimo Passamani
The Free Art of a Free Spirit by Bruno Filippi
Row after row of those who are more morally than physically chronic consumptives, pinheads, cripples, hunchbacks, blind; horrible faces sculpted by vice, by syphilis, by alcohol.
Whose toothless, yellow, slobbering mouths vomited against my horrible insults.
Continue reading The Free Art of a Free Spirit by Bruno Filippi
Against organization
We cannot conceive that anarchists establish points to follow systemically as fixed dogmas. Because, even if a uniformity of views on the general lines of tactics to follow is assumed, these tactics are carried out in a hundred different forms of applications, with a thousand varying particulars.
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