Tag Archives: direct action

Berlín: Acción directa contra Commerzbank

Anoche atacamos una sucursal de Commerzbank en plaza Bayrischen con piedras y pintura. Berlín está lleno de maderos patrullando ahora mismo, que declaran una vez más la ciudad como su patio de juego. No aceptamos que las casas estén siendo desalojadas y la gente golpeada. No pararemos de luchar contra las condiciones del presente.

¡Por la insurrección!.
¡Solidaridad con lxs okupas de Weisestrasse 47!
¡Cerdxs, cerrad la puta boca!

publicado el 30 de abril en la pagina directactionde
traducido por vozcomoarma


Faenza – Imbrattata sede di Forza Nuova

fonte: ravenna e dintorni

Alcuni ignoti hanno imbrattato con vernice rossa e scritte volgari la sezione di Forza Nuova a Faenza, in via Torricelli, dove ha sede anche il movimento romagnolo.

Gli attivisti forzanovisti sono già all’opera per il ripristino del danno. […] In una nota la reponsabile provinciale, Desideria Raggi, sottolinea come si tratti del quarto danneggiamento operato da ignoti al palazzo faentino sede del movimento […].

«Quale democrazia viene invece divulgata da questi dubbi soggetti – continua la nota – se per contestare il pensiero di qualcuno si divertono a danneggiare le cose altrui imbrattando e dando fuoco (per ben due volte) alla sede di un movimento legalmente riconosciuto e libero di professare le proprie idee?».

[…] appunto…




Rapallo (Genoa, Italy) – An explosive device blows up in front of a polling station

source: press of the regime, 21.05.12
An explosive device (paper bomb) blew up at around 3am on Monday 21/5 inside a skip near a polling station in Rapallo (Genoa). The device exploded right in the piazza of Rapallo. The rumble of the explosion was so loud that several people residents in the area went out to the street. All police forces and the fire brigade went to the scene in order to extinguish another three skips set ablaze. According to the investigators the action is criminally motivated and is linked to the arson of two municipal police cars that took place in a nearby area. Carabinieri confirmed that the two cars of the local police were put on fire outside the police headquarters, whereas two of the four skips that went up in flames were placed near the school where the polling station had been set. There were no wounded.

culmine (translation by b.porco dio!)

Equitalia: esplode ordigno a Viterbo

fonte: agenzia stampa, 18.05.2012

Un ordigno rudimentale, quasi certamente di produzione artigianale, è stato fatto esplodere durante la scorsa notte, davanti all’ingresso della sede di Equitalia a Viterbo. Non ci sono stati danni alle persone, anche perché a quell’ora, intorno a mezzanotte e mezza, gli uffici erano chiusi. La deflagrazione ha invece leggermente danneggiato il portone. Sono in corso indagini da parte della Digos per risalire agli autori del gesto.

Barcelona: Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados (Catalonia)

Wildfire for every nationstate, the rich who run the economy and the faithful citizens. 325 receives and transmits: (Find the English translation of text below on waronsociety)

Recuento de los vehículos quemados en Cataluña y Barcelona durante el 2011 y lo que va de 2012.

¡!!La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder!!!

Continue reading Barcelona: Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados (Catalonia)

Chicago, IL: Attack on White Nationalist Economic Summit; several fascists hospitalized; 5 comrades arrested

from antiracistaction:

In response to Mob Attacked Specific Group of People Inside Tinley Park Restaurant

On Saturday, May 19th a group of 30 anti-fascists descended upon Ashford House restaurant in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park where the 5th annual White Nationalist Economic Summit and Illinois White Nationalist Meet-and-Greet was taking place. The White Nationalists were targeted inside the restaurant and physically attacked, causing several injuries and completely shutting down their meeting. The anti-fascist group was privy to anonymous inside information. This fascist event had been in secret planning for six months. The attendees have attempted to cover up the true intent of the event with mainstream media reports initially reporting the white nationalist conference as a wedding party and then as an Irish heritage meeting. The event was advertised on www.stormfront.org, an established white nationalist fascist internet forum.

Anti-fascists oppose any organizing by racists and fascist in their communities. Fascist and white nationalist organizing has resulted in a number of horrifying incidents, from the recent J.T. Ready shootings in Arizona to the Benjamin Nathaniel Smith shooting in the West Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, as just two examples.

These anti-fascists are committed to shutting down and attacking any racist, nationalist, or fascist organizers or individuals that they encounter


(es-it-en) Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI:Ataque contra Banco Santander en Buenos Aires

En el día de hoy, lunes 21 de mayo, alrededor de la 1 de la madrugada, atacamos el banco Santander río, ubicado sobre la calle Paraná entre Tucumán y Viamonte. Para esto nos servimos de 2 litros de material inflamable, más 4 latas de gas butano, y un mecanismo de inicio. El fuego destrozo completamente la parte delantera del banco, inutilizando los 4 cajeros automáticos que allí se encontraban, además de reventar varios cristales. Esta acción la enmarcamos como un recuerdo activo al guerrero Mauricio Morales, fallecido hace 3 años por la explosión de su propia bomba destinada a la escuela de carceleros en Chile. Y con cariño para Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello, herido tras el ataque a un banco Santander el año pasado, hoy preso. Así entendemos la solidaridad, parándonos ahí donde un compañero “cayo”, para radicalizar y profundizar nuestras practicas.
Continue reading (es-it-en) Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI:Ataque contra Banco Santander en Buenos Aires

(videos) Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados.

Recuento de los vehículos quemados en Cataluña y Barcelona durante el 2011 y lo que va de 2012.

¡!!La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder!!!

Pedralbes – 27 de Marzo de 2010.

En el barrio rico de Pedralbes, a las 16:30 de la tarde y aprovechando la ausencia de viandantes en exceso,  se atacó con coctels molotov un pequeño aparcamiento de ciclomotores de gama alta calando fuego a un numero 5 motos.
Continue reading (videos) Anarquistas nihilistas – Noche de coches quemados.