Tag Archives: belarus

Call for solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners 30th of June – 2nd of July

It has been a long time since the last call for solidarity with the Belarusian anarchists appeared (http://abc-belarus.org/?p=133&lang=en). Today we have to admit that the new wave of solidarity is needed urgently to help them out from the prison. That’s why we call you to participate in days of action in solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners from June 30 to July 2.
Continue reading Call for solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners 30th of June – 2nd of July

Chiamata per la solidarietà ai prigionieri politici bielorussi


–riceviamo e pubblichiamo;

da Libcom

E ‘passato molto tempo dall’ultima chiamata di solidarietà per gli anarchici bielorussi (http://abc-belarus.org/?p=133&lang=en). Oggi dobbiamo ammettere che la nuova ondata di solidarietà è urgente e importante per un aiuto a chi è dentro la prigione. Ecco perché vi chiediamo di partecipare a delle giornate di azione di solidarietà per i prigionieri politici bielorussi (dal 30 giugno al 2 luglio).
Continue reading Chiamata per la solidarietà ai prigionieri politici bielorussi

Weißrussland: Internationaler Solidaritätsaufruf für anarchistische Gefangene



Es ist schon ein Jahr vergangen, seitdem wir aufgerufen haben, eure Solidarität mit gefangenen Anarchist*innen aus Belarus zu zeigen. Heute sehen wir, dass die Gefangenen eine neue Solidaritätswelle brauchen. Es kann ihnen helfen früher aus dem Knast zu kommen. Deswegen rufen wir alle dazu auf, an den Solidaritätsaktionstagen von 30.6 bis 2.7 teilzunehmen.
Continue reading Weißrussland: Internationaler Solidaritätsaufruf für anarchistische Gefangene

Bielorrusia: Llamado de solidaridad internacional con lxs presxs anarquistas

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que apareció el último llamado de solidaridadcon lxs anarquistas bielorrusxs. Hoy tenemos que reconocer que se necesita urgentemente una nueva ola de solidaridad para sacarlxs fuera de la prisión. Por eso, os llamamos a participar en los días de acción en solidaridad con lxs presxs políticxs bielorrusxs, entre el 30 de junio y el 2 de julio.
Continue reading Bielorrusia: Llamado de solidaridad internacional con lxs presxs anarquistas

June 30th – July 2nd: Call for common actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists (Belarus)

From Avtonom:

It has been a long time since the last call for solidarity with the Belarusian anarchists appeared. Today we have to admit that the new wave of solidarity is needed urgently to help them out from the prison. That’s why we call you to participate in days of action in solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners from June 30 to July 2.
Continue reading June 30th – July 2nd: Call for common actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists (Belarus)