Tag Archives: antifa

Faenza – Imbrattata sede di Forza Nuova

fonte: ravenna e dintorni

Alcuni ignoti hanno imbrattato con vernice rossa e scritte volgari la sezione di Forza Nuova a Faenza, in via Torricelli, dove ha sede anche il movimento romagnolo.

Gli attivisti forzanovisti sono già all’opera per il ripristino del danno. […] In una nota la reponsabile provinciale, Desideria Raggi, sottolinea come si tratti del quarto danneggiamento operato da ignoti al palazzo faentino sede del movimento […].

«Quale democrazia viene invece divulgata da questi dubbi soggetti – continua la nota – se per contestare il pensiero di qualcuno si divertono a danneggiare le cose altrui imbrattando e dando fuoco (per ben due volte) alla sede di un movimento legalmente riconosciuto e libero di professare le proprie idee?».

[…] appunto…




Chicago, IL: Attack on White Nationalist Economic Summit; several fascists hospitalized; 5 comrades arrested

from antiracistaction:

In response to Mob Attacked Specific Group of People Inside Tinley Park Restaurant

On Saturday, May 19th a group of 30 anti-fascists descended upon Ashford House restaurant in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park where the 5th annual White Nationalist Economic Summit and Illinois White Nationalist Meet-and-Greet was taking place. The White Nationalists were targeted inside the restaurant and physically attacked, causing several injuries and completely shutting down their meeting. The anti-fascist group was privy to anonymous inside information. This fascist event had been in secret planning for six months. The attendees have attempted to cover up the true intent of the event with mainstream media reports initially reporting the white nationalist conference as a wedding party and then as an Irish heritage meeting. The event was advertised on www.stormfront.org, an established white nationalist fascist internet forum.

Anti-fascists oppose any organizing by racists and fascist in their communities. Fascist and white nationalist organizing has resulted in a number of horrifying incidents, from the recent J.T. Ready shootings in Arizona to the Benjamin Nathaniel Smith shooting in the West Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, as just two examples.

These anti-fascists are committed to shutting down and attacking any racist, nationalist, or fascist organizers or individuals that they encounter