NIENTE DI CUI STUPIRSI (sull’inchiesta “Ardire” ed i porci Comodi)
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NIENTE DI CUI STUPIRSI (sull’inchiesta “Ardire” ed i porci Comodi)
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Mercoledì 13 giugno, alle ore 5 del mattino, una squadra della Digos di Reggio Emilia ha fatto irruzione nelle case di due compagni dello Spazio Autorganizzato R60, perquisendo e sequestrando alcuni effetti personali. La perquisizione è stata successivamente estesa alla sede dello Spazio, in Via Berta 4/C, in qualità di luogo frequentato dagli stessi. I compagni, infine, sono stati portati in questura da dove, dopo ore di compilazione dei verbali e analisi del materiale sequestrato, sono stati rilasciati attorno alle 14.
Um 4 Uhr am Morgen des 13. Juni 2012 begann das ROS (die Antiterroreinheit der Carabinieri) mit Durchsuchungen in über vierzig Wohnungen in ganz Italien im Rahmen einer repressiven Operation, die unter dem Namen “Operation Kühnheit” (“Operazione Ardire”) läuft.
Continue reading Große repressive Operation gegen italienische AnarchistInnen
Aujourd’hui 13 juin 2012 , à 4h du matin, les carabiniers du ROS ont fait irruption dans une quarantaine d’habitations lors d’une opération répressive contre le mouvement anarchiste appelée “Opération Ardire” [Hardiesse, NdT]. Cette opération était dirigée par la procureur de Pérouse, Manuela Comodi : 10 incarcérés (8 en Italie, un en Allemagne et un en Suisse) et 24 mis en examen.
Continue reading Italie : vague de perquisitions et 10 incarcérations dans l’enquête contre la FAI/FRI
Erick Montoya desde la cárcel de Angol
Relato de su brutal detención:
Continue reading Erick Montoya desde la cárcel de Angol: “Aunque nos saquen la cresta, hay que seguir adelante sin miedo”
Sussex police have recently started to use new forms of repressive tactics for policing demonstrations. They seem to have taken a break from head cracking to trial what they have termed ‘Police Liaison Officers’ or PLOs at the recent Smash EDO demonstration on June 4th. This may not be simply a new fad by the cops, but could be part of a new era of repression based on the relatively new ‘science’ of crowd psychology. The PLOs are the brainchild of Dr. Clifford Stott, a crowd psychologist working with the cops to ‘manage’ crowds. This man was seen at the Smash EDO demo wearing a blue observer vest, presumably to check up on his PLOs he’d just trained.
Continue reading Sussec Police Unleash New Weapon – Crowd Psychology (uk)
Con la quema de dos camiones de transporte forestal en las cercanías de Los Sauces, continúa la seguidilla de hechos que parecen ser una oleada de acciones de resistencia contra la ocupación del territorio mapuche que ha escalado en violencia hacia la gente de las comunidades.
Continue reading Continúa la resistencia contra forestales y colonos tras ataque policial a comuneros de Chekenco
14 June: Police have shot dead an pro-independence activist in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, angering people who set homes and cars ablaze.
Continue reading West Papua: police shooting sparks riot
Italien: Blitzaktion Carabinieri-Razzien und Verhaftungen 8 anarchistischer GenossInnen der FAI/FRI. Weitere 24 Verdächtige, 6 davon aus Griechenland, weitere 40 Hausdurchsuchungen
Continue reading Italien: Blitzaktion Carabinieri-Razzien und Verhaftungen