Category Archives: prisoner

Unrepentant combatants Eat & Billy sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious to celebrate their short sentence (Indonesia)

To give energy, strength and share their laughter in the face of prison, with all the comrades-fighters around the world, the proud imprisoned members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious. The second phase of their trial is over and now, all they have to do, according to the fighters is “survive the prisons until they get out”, and Billy looks more healthy and strong.

Rough translation from Negasi:

The Gift of Song from Combatants Eat and Billy From Behind Prison Bars

“My Way” – Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious

This is a video recording of the combatants Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) who are currently in prison. They sang a brief song as a metaphor of the attitude and courageous choice that they have taken in their lives.

We can only share this for a while shouting loudly in the streets,

Long live the rebels!
Do not go out, do not be sad!
No combatant will be alone in this war!
For the total destruction of the community today!


Criminal Justice Services continue to cover up lies about John Bowden

Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services, or what used to be know as the plain Social Work Deptartment, has seriously compromised its professional integrity by defending a member of its staff who deliberately told lies in a report to the Parole Board in an attempt to sabotage my chances of release from prison. Behaving like corrupt policemen instead of traditional social workers seems now to be acceptable practice at Edinburgh Social Services.

Continue reading Criminal Justice Services continue to cover up lies about John Bowden

Chicago, IL: Brief update on the NATO 3

Brent Betterly, Jared Chase, and Brian Church of Florida — known as the NATO 3 — had a court hearing in Chicago on Tuesday, May 22. They have been held in isolation cells in Cook County Jail’s Cermak Hospital since their arrest one week ago, and are still being held in isolation without any contact with each other or anyone, without reading or writing material, with nothing but the blank walls of their holding cells.

Continue reading Chicago, IL: Brief update on the NATO 3

La prisión política. (Ponencia presentada en el Foro contra la prisión política y por la libertad de Alberto Patishtan, realizado en San Cristobal de la Casas,

Si me preguntaran qué es la cárcel, os respondería sin dudar que es el basurero de un proyecto socio-económico determinado, al cual arrojan a todas aquellas personas que molestan dentro de la sociedad: por eso la cárcel alberga principalmente pobres.

Xosé Tarrio

Continue reading La prisión política. (Ponencia presentada en el Foro contra la prisión política y por la libertad de Alberto Patishtan, realizado en San Cristobal de la Casas,

Jean-Marc Rouillan rilasciato con la condizionale

da thisisourjob

trad. ParoleArmate

Dopo il rigetto della richiesta da parte dell’accusa ad inizio settimana, una sentenza del tribunale di Parigi ha concesso a Jean-Marc Rouillan il rilascio condizionale, che inizierà dal 18 maggio. Rouillan ha passato l’ultimo anno in un regime di rilascio parziale, fuori di prigione ma impossibilito ad andare fuori da Marsiglia, dove lavora presso la casa editrice Agone. La sua libertà di movimento era controllata dal braccialetto elettronico. Adesso, dopo aver passato più di 24 mesi in prigione, dovrà ancora sottostare a numerosi metodi di controllo durante i prossimi 6 anni. Per esempio, non potrà lasciare la zona di Bouches-du-Rhone e dovrà dare parte dello stipendio alle famiglie di Georges Besse e Renè Audran, omicidi attribuitigli per i quali è stato condannato.