Category Archives: informal

The Bourgeois Roots of Anarcho-Syndicalism by Feral Faun

“We favor the development of a worker’s movement based on direct democracy, not just because it will be more effective in the present day fight against the employing class, but also because it foreshadows – and lays the basis for – a society of freedom and equality, without authoritarianism or exploitation.”
-from a flyer put out by the Workers Solidarity Alliance, an anarcho-syndicalist organization.

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Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention: A Tension in Practice by Wolfi Landstreicher


Introduction: a few definitions and explanations

Any potentially liberatory struggle among the exploited and dispossessed must be based on autonomous self-organization. As anarchists, who are also usually among the exploited, we have every reason to participate in and encourage these struggles. But since we have specific ideas of how we want to go about our struggles and a specifically revolutionary aim, our participation takes the form of an intervention seeking to move the struggles in a specific direction. Having no desire to be any sort of vanguard or leadership or to be caught up in the joyless game of politicking, we find ourselves in a tension of trying to live our conception of struggle and freedom within the context of an unfree reality, of trying to confront the real daily problems we face with our own refusal to play by the rules of this world. Thus, the question of autonomous self-organization and anarchist intervention is an ongoing problem with which to grapple, refusing to fall into easy answers and faith in organizational panaceas. To begin exploring this question let’s start with a few definitions and explanations.
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Bolivia: ¡Solidaridad con Nina!

Nina Marcia Mancilla es una excelente cantante del desaforado punk, al que le añade un toque feminista. Su revoltoso grupo llamado Malditas dinamiteras estaba formado por otras tres músicas y un baterista, quienes le ponían el armazón musical a una lírica inspirada en algunas ocasiones en los graffittis del colectivo Mujeres Creando, “tú me quieres virgen, tú me quieres santa, tú me tienes harta”. El grupo, ahora en receso, se constituyó en una de las gratas sorpresas del movimiento subterráneo y periférico de La Paz.
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Op. Ardire – Solidarietà con i/le prigionieri/e



testo distribuito durante un corteo spontaneo a Catania il 13 giugno 2012:

Oltre 40 perquisizioni, 24 avvisi d’indagine e 10 arresti sono il provvisorio bilancio di un operazione repressiva orchestrata dal Pm di Perugia  Manuela Comodi ed eseguita il 13 giugno dal Ros dei carabinieri .
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