5 de Junio – 5 de Julio / Mes de activades contra Aratirí y todos lo megaproyectos.

Estimados y estimadas:

Vamos a tomar un mes a partir del día 5 de Junio (día internacional del medio ambiente) para realizar diferentes actividades contra Aratirí y todos los megaproyectos. Vamos a comenzar con una marcha el día 5 de Junio con la idea de también finalizar con una marcha el día 5 de Julio. En el medio se van a realizar diferentes actividades de las cuales pronto incluiremos los detalles en esta página.
A no dejarse estar, a no quedarse quieto. Mostrarse, hacerse visible, hacerse sentir es la forma de ganar esta lucha.
Invitamos a los/as interesados/as a coordinar las actividades a acercarse a las reuniones todos los jueves a las 19:30 hs. en La Solidaria.

¡Fuera Aratirí y todos los proyectos del capital!

Acción sin Fronteras.


Crema – Aspettando il convegno dei nazisti dell’USN

Il 9 giugno a Crema, presso la Sala Alessandrini, spazio comunale messo a disposizione dalla Giunta, il movimento nazista “Unione per il Socialismo Nazionale (USN)” organizzerà un convegno in collaborazione con “Sinistra Nazionale”. Si tratta di un connubio tra residuati bellici (ex-repubblichini come Stelvio Dal Piaz) e nuove leve dell’estrema destra.
Continue reading Crema – Aspettando il convegno dei nazisti dell’USN

Piacenza – Immerdata sede del Pd

Dai quotidiani locali si apprende che, nella notte tra il 17 e 18 maggio, una sede del Pd in viale del Risorgimento è stata imbrattata e insozzata con sostanze organiche, probabilmente estratte da una fossa biologica. Immerdate le vetrine e l’immagine di Dosi. Lasciata una scritta anarchica.


Piacenza (Italie) : une permanence du Pd [gôche] couverte de merde

Piacenza (Italie) : une permanence du Pd [gôche] couverte de merde

On apprend d’un quotidien local que la nuit du 17 au 18 mai, un local du Pd [Parti démocrate, gôche], situé viale del Risorgimento, a été recouvert de substances organiques, probablement extraites d’une fosse septique. Le portrait du candidat, Dosi, et les vitrines ont été tapissées. Un tag anarchiste a été retrouvé à côté.

Traduit de l’italien de informa-azione,



Argentina – Buenos Aires Solidarity Action to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.

Act for freedom now! receives and transmits

Yesterday afternoon, on May 24th, we were met with other comrades to extend our gesture of solidarity to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.

Continue reading Argentina – Buenos Aires Solidarity Action to comrade David Lamarte from Uruguay, who was arrested on May 8 by the State Opressor.


Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

4 pages A4 – PDF Download free.


1: Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism.
2: In Memory of Mauricio Morales – Solidarity letter from the Imprisoned Members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
3: Action Chronology.


Anti-Copyright Network 2012


International Network of Counter-Information & Translation



Dark Nights #19 : Against the Corporations of Death – May 2012 (ACN)

Dark Nights #18 : Wrath knows no borders – Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Greece – May 2012 (ACN)

Dark Nights #17 : A World on Fire – April 2012 (ACN)

Dark Nights #16 : Insurrection … Is the Mother of Revolution (ACN)

Dark Nights #15 : Bad Passions & More (ACN)

Dark Nights #14 : Letter from Luciano Tortuga + supplement

Dark Nights #13 – NYE 2011-2012 (ACN)

Dark Nights #12 : European Social Struggle – May Supplement (ACN)

Dark Nights #11 : Anti-System Conflict in the United Kingdom (ACN)

Dark Nights #10 – Letters from imprisoned anarchists in Greece (ACN)

Dark Nights #9 (ACN)

Dark Nights #8 (ACN)

Dark Nights #7 (ACN)

Dark Nights #6 (ACN)

Dark Nights #5 (ACN)

Dark Nights #4 (ACN)






FOIA Request Reveals FBI “Domestic Terrorism” Training Document on Anarchists

An ACLU Freedom of Information Act request has returned several documents related to the FBI’s current trainings on anarchists and others*. This .pdf is about 25 pages of slides on what FBI trainees are taught about anarchists, although most of the interesting parts are redacted. This may be the type of training that Rik Hall bragged about in the recent SPD subpoena to the media; remember that he is Joint Terrorism Task Force and a self-professed expert on anarchists.

Analysis and .pdfs of the other trainings available at Green Is the New Red.

*This request was made separately from this request for information from SPD in particular, which is still awaiting a response.

Attachment Size
ACLURM026485-anarchist.pdf 1.55 MB