Venerdì 1 Giugno, ad un mese esatto dal primo maggio precario, venite a ballare alla Cascina Torchiera per coprire il nostro buco di bilancio – la Mayday non ha Lusi né Belsiti a darci una mano 🙂
Continue reading MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Benefit Party
Venerdì 1 Giugno, ad un mese esatto dal primo maggio precario, venite a ballare alla Cascina Torchiera per coprire il nostro buco di bilancio – la Mayday non ha Lusi né Belsiti a darci una mano 🙂
Continue reading MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Benefit Party
-freedom for simos seisidis-
Anarchist Simos Seisidis was under pretrial incarceration in the “hospital” of Koridallos prisons, waiting to stand one last trial. Today, Indymedia Athens reports that Simos was acquitted of all charges in court —also after the prosecutor’s proposal on acquittal. Tomorrow (29/5) our comrade will be released from prison.
1900 ! Exposition, buffet…, tout le monde désarme ! Les voyageurs pour la ligne de tir changent de train. Et ce sont des trains de plaisir qui filent vers la Hollande avec un chargement d’ambassadeurs, de diplomates et de vieux guerriers se rendant, selon le vœu du tsar, à la conférence contre la Guerre. Le siècle s’inaugurera par un hymne de fraternité. Assez de luttes, plus de tueries. Dans le concert européen, un empereur entre tous puissant a voulu pousser sa chanson :
Continue reading La dernière aux anarchistes par Zo d’Axa (1900)
On May 24, 2012 the Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum hosted a luncheon meeting at the Four Season’s Hotel in Vancouver focusing on Compliance Energy Corp’s proposed Raven Coal Mine. The site for this proposed mine is in unceded Pentlach Territory on Vancouver Island, also known as the Comox Valley.The lemon meringue was barely finished with keynote speaker and Compliance Energy Corp. CEO John Tapics mentioning that there was social opposition to Raven Coal, when he and the 100 person conference were abruptly interrupted by a half dozen people who unleashed decaying herring upon them. A chaotic stench and nauseating shower of fermented fish engulfed the room. Herring are only one of the species that will be negatively effected by the mining development. (Contrary to mass media reports it was herring, not excrement) |
Simultaneously, coal tumbled onto the ground. The wondrous blend created by insurgent passion was too overwhelming for the industrial capital bosses to handle. People yelled unyielding opposition while pamphlets were strewn in the air to assert the point, “It has Begun! No Compliance! No Compromise! No Coal!”
Those attending had no choice but to step in the mix of herring and coal as they quickly exited, the conference being effectively shut down. The coal, the herring, what a sight, what a smell: never to be whipped, chained, or owned into submission. A great force used to crash the daydreams and sick fantasies of industrial development.
No one was captured or injured. The conference and the hotel were shut down.
This action is a small contribution to the ongoing struggle against the Raven Coal Mine. We are through with dialogue. We do not except the false temptation of economic development. We will not poison ourselves, each other or the earth to survive!
Continue reading en fr – Vancouver Mining Conference Shut Down!
Das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt hat am 16.Mai 2012 entschieden, dass Sonja Suder nicht aus der Haft entlassen wird. Das Gesetz schreibt vor, dass eine Untersuchungshaft über sechs Monate hinaus nicht andauern darf, es sei denn die Hauptverhandlung hat schon begonnen, oder es liegt ein wichtiger Grund vor, der den Beginn des Prozesses verhindert hat. Sonja Suder ist nun über acht Monate in Haft, das Schwurgericht hat noch nicht einmal entschieden, ob die Anklage zugelassen wird, einen Termin für einen Prozessbeginn gibt es schon gar nicht. Welcher „wichtige“ Grund hat also nach Ansicht des Oberlandesgerichts einen Prozess bisher verhindert?
Continue reading Oberlandesgericht lehnt Haftentlassung von Sonja Suder ab
Imprisoned since 1980, (and in fact for most of his life before that), John Bowden has been a thorn in the side of the English and Scottish prison systems for three decades. John has paid a heavy price for being a staunch defender of prisoners’ rights and a committed opponent of injustice, spending years in the most brutal conditions, and suffering numerous physical assaults and treatment that has frequently amounted to torture.
Continue reading Day of Action in Support of John Bowden – 11th June 2012
from solidaridadporlxspresxs, transl waronsociety:
The defense lawyers begin their evidence.
Obviously more quickly and concisely, the experts and witnesses began to testify on behalf of the accused. In the first place there was the comrade Francisco Solar‘s defense, where they ended by discrediting the much feared and at the same time insignificant and imprecise “traces of explosive,” then came the comrade Mónica Caballero‘s defense bringing a resident of the squatted house la Crota denying all the fantasies that they said about “safe houses” or places strictly restricted for the fabrication and planning of explosive devices.
Continue reading en es – Chile: Summary of the bombs case trial April 30 to May 18
Anonymous Promotions, BDS & Bristol ABC Presents:
DISCO//OSLO —- Melody driven German punk rock from Oldenburg
AUTONOMADS —- Machester DIY dub-ska-punk
COSMO —- Cardiff anarcho-folk
Bristol Defendant Solidarity: Disco//Oslo / Autonomads / Cosmo @ Red Lion, St George
from the final straw:
This week features a conversation with attorney, educator and trans activist, Dean Spade about his new book, “Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics and the limits of law”, just out from South End Press. Normal Life is a finalist for the 2012 Lambda Literary Awards. Follow Mr. Spade’s writing at
Continue reading The Final Straw radio show May 27
from sabotagemedia:
While since Friday, May 18 demos are held in several cities of the province, like Quebec City, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, in Montreal, tens of thousands of people are confronting the Police State defying the new “special law” Bill 78 which requires, among other things, that any gathering of 50 or more people to provide its trajectory to the cops 8h ahead and modifies it at their request with fines that can reach thousands of dollars.
Continue reading Montreal, QC: We don’t give a fuck about the special law!