Operation Ardire – Peppe’s communiqué from the prison of Marassi (Ιtaly)

Operation Ardire – Peppe’s communiqué from the prison of Marassi

From:   ParoleArmate  Translated by  act for freedom now/B.pd

Prison of Genoa, 20th day of isolation  – 2nd July 2012

Terrorist? Ideologist? Student? Promoter? Follower? Philosopher?
This is a short list of categories and labels ready for use and hastily vomited by the state and its mass media. However, to define myself is a necessary task that it’s only up to me to undertake. First of all, as I’m an anarchist individuality, it’s only me who can judge and assess what I do and the way I act.

Placing myself within a constant conflict with the whole existent, I claim my autonomy of thought and judgement, and I refuse all roles of leadership, of promoter or of follower of whatever anarchist experience, collective or organized. In the last period I’ve been engaged in translating and spreading texts, letters, communiques, pamphlets and judicial news concerning the many comrades imprisoned all over the world.

Everything I’ve done was first of all for myself, as I’m interested in knowing anarchist and revolutionary realities in the world, and also in spreading these experiences in an Italian context. My will to be engaged in this editorial activity was not a task I was assigned or a role I’ve undertaken within any group, but it is the manifestation of my individual feelings. Therefore, concerning what repressors in robe and not in robe attribute to me, I believe it is extremely important to highlight my coherence, and to refuse roles and affiliations that have nothing to do with my individuality and editorial activity.

But what happened doesn’t surprise me. In fact, the attempts at building up accusation theorems on so called ‘association crimes’ are increasing. Just think of the recent Italian and non Italian cases set up to handle the many attacks unleashed on dominion. The ‘Bombas’ case in Chile and the many frame-ups orchestrated in Greece about alleged anonymous terrorist groups are exemplary. These are pretexts created to introduce ad hoc laws and imprison anarchists who in many cases don’t even know one another. When attacked in an unpredictable way, the state tries hysterically to carry out its revenge, by hitting its opponents through judicial pressure and the instrumental use of the media.

Repression adds to harsh conditions of imprisonment, which are reserved to the enemies of all times, whereas isolation becomes systematic practice aimed at annihilating prisoners, so as to avoid the risk that the virus of insubordination and rebellion also spreads in prison.

What happened on 13th June  shows the will to also hit comrades who have been in prison for years, thus exacerbating the charges against them and taking the chance of liberation away from them. As concerns myself, they tried to delineate relations and affinities even with anarchist individualities I don’t even know. Moreover, still to reassert my unshakeable individuality and the nature of my editorial activity, I cannot accept the definition of ‘instigator’, a role that would compromise both my autonomy and that of the many anarchist comrades who participate to the multiform anarchist debate in the world. Individualities who are well aware of themselves don’t need to instigate anything. Each anarchist, thanks to the progressive reappropriation of themselves, is certainly capable of perceiving and shaping their ideas and actions in an individual way without any need of being pushed or addressed. I thought it important to write all this in order to manifest my positions to both those who are outside and my co-defendants, so that even those who don’t know me can establish a relation with me if they want to

. Certainly it won’t be prison or the isolation I’m being subjected to that will make me abjure my identity or dismiss what I did. Dominion won’t get my surrender. This political imprisonment will be a chance to strengthen my coherence and dignity, as I’m aware that so many enemies of the exisent are on my side. I know I’m not alone!
I send my love and strength to all my co-defendants, and even if I haven’t met many of you I’m sure that it is the same fire that lights up our eyes! I express my solidarity to the prisoners of the conspiracy of the cells of fire once again under the attack of the Italian authority. Be strong as you’ve always done! Always head held high!


Honour to all the comrades fallen while following the multiform road of anarchy!
Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners in the world kept hostages in the dungeons of democracy! 

Giuseppe Lo Turco
Imprisoned anarchist individuality




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