Tag Archives: kk abacus

Algunas Notas sobre anarquismo insurreccional.[Killing King Abacus]

El anarquismo insurreccionalista no es una solución ideológica a todos los problemas sociales, no es un artículo del mercado capitalista de las ideologías y opiniones, sino una praxis continua que tiene como objetivo acabar con la dominación del Estado y la continuidad del capitalismo, y que requiere para avanzar del análisis y la discusión.
Continue reading Algunas Notas sobre anarquismo insurreccional.[Killing King Abacus]

Killing King Abacus nos. 1 & 2

Full .pdf scans of issues #1 and 2 of Killing King Abacus, an insurrectionary anarchist journal from the earrrly 2000s.
“To Kill King Abacus is to create relations without measure. If we aim to destroy capitalism we cannot reproduce its necrophilic logic which reduces relationships to numbers. To Kill King Abacus is to destroy the social net which privileges mediated transactions and images over direct relations. Because money is a general equivalent and thus is nearly limitless in its applications, it conquers other signifiers of value; capitalism transforms other value systems into itself. To Kill King Abacus is to disrupt this process of quantification. Money may be the most indiscriminate of whores but capitalism is not the only system which measures value. Justice, morality, law and culture itself are all value systems which weigh, judge and channel human action. We want to create relations which defy such equations. We therefore have no need for standardizing models within our struggle. In the absence of value systems desire shoots in new directions. Insurrection is desire rebelling against value.”
Archive of articles and materials also available at: http://www.reocities.com/kk_abacus/

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Killing King Abacus 1.pdf 10.51 MB
Killing King Abacus 2.pdf 21.98 MB


[Wolfi Landstreicher] La práctica anarquista como juego subversivo

Cuando descubrí las ideas anarquistas a finales de los años 70, principios de los 80, era común que se hablase de juego subversivo, bajo la influencia de la Internacional Situacionista y de los aspectos positivos de la contracultura. Hay mucho a ganar pensando nuestra práctica en estos términos. En particular pienso que considerar la práctica revolucionaria anarquista como un juego subversivo es una buena manera de comprender los objetivos, principios y métodos anarquistas que constituyen la base de desarrollo de nuestras estrategias y tácticas.
Continue reading [Wolfi Landstreicher] La práctica anarquista como juego subversivo

Killing King Abacus nos. 1 & 2

Full .pdf scans of issues #1 and 2 of Killing King Abacus, an insurrectionary anarchist journal from the earrrly 2000s.
“To Kill King Abacus is to create relations without measure. If we aim to destroy capitalism we cannot reproduce its necrophilic logic which reduces relationships to numbers. To Kill King Abacus is to destroy the social net which privileges mediated transactions and images over direct relations. Because money is a general equivalent and thus is nearly limitless in its applications, it conquers other signifiers of value; capitalism transforms other value systems into itself. To Kill King Abacus is to disrupt this process of quantification. Money may be the most indiscriminate of whores but capitalism is not the only system which measures value. Justice, morality, law and culture itself are all value systems which weigh, judge and channel human action. We want to create relations which defy such equations. We therefore have no need for standardizing models within our struggle. In the absence of value systems desire shoots in new directions. Insurrection is desire rebelling against value.”
Archive of articles and materials also available at: http://www.reocities.com/kk_abacus/

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Killing King Abacus 1.pdf 10.51 MB
Killing King Abacus 2.pdf 21.98 MB