Tag Archives: europool

Europol boosts its reach, scope and information-gathering

The 2011 annual report of Europol makes clear that the agency, whose work is not subject to European or national parliamentary scrutiny, is significantly increasing the scope of its activities, its geographical reach, and its information-gathering, exchange and analysis. [1]

The report, submitted to the Council of the European Union on 15 May, states that Europol’s “crucial role is increasingly recognised” and that the agency has “increasing engagement from our operational partners combined with increasing attention from our strategic stakeholders.”
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General Report on Europol’s activities in 2011

“A new version of the EIS was developed in 2011. The most important feature is the hit/no-hit search possibility for Designated Competent Authorities. This is the first time that access to the EIS can be granted beyond the Member States’ Europol National Units to frontline law enforcement officers.” (p.21) and “A significant improvement was also achieved in terms of interoperability of core information management systems. In October 2011 a new function, the Europol Links Manager (ELM), went live.

Within the boundaries of the Europol legal framework it enables automated cross-checking of analysis work files, 10.4 repository, the EIS, and the Enhanced Risk Entities Solution (ERES). The latter is a repository containing open source data purchased by Europol from a commercial intelligence provider. Compared to the previous cross-checking arrangement the ELM widens the range of data sources, enhances usability and flexibility, and addresses several important data protection issues.” (download pdf from statewatch.org)


Bundesregierung fordert: Polizeispitzel sollen nicht Polizeispitzel genannt werden

In einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage des Bundestagsabgeordneten Andrej Hunko (DieLinke) kritisiert die Bundesregierung die Bezeichnung von verdeckten Ermittlern als „Polizeispitzel“. In einer belehrenden „Vorbemerkung“ von einer Seite weist die Regierung, vertreten durch Dr. Ole Schröder, den Fragesteller darauf hin, dass ihr eine Personengruppe „Spitzel“ oder auch „Polizeispitzel“ nicht bekannt sei und sie dies auch bereits im Oktober 2011 zum Ausdruck gebracht habe. Die Linke möge „bei etwaigen künftigen Fragen einen Sprachgebrauch sicher“ stellen, „der sowohl der Aufgabenstellung, dem Ansehen und den Persönlichkeitsrechten in- und ausländischer Polizeibeamter als auch der angemessenen Ausübung des verfassungsrechtlich verankerten parlamentarischen Fragerechts hinreichend Rechnung trägt.“ Weiter wird die besondere Qualität dieser Beamten, die „für eine entsprechende Verwendung“ ausgewählt werden, gepriesen und ihre Bedeutung „für die Menschen [..], die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sicher leben wollen“ betont.
Continue reading Bundesregierung fordert: Polizeispitzel sollen nicht Polizeispitzel genannt werden


Top police chiefs have met at Europol to discuss how to deliver effective policing with fewer resources – an issue faced by most forces due to austerity measures in the current global economic crisis.
Discussions took place during the 2012 European Police Chiefs’ Convention at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague on 30 and 31 May, co-hosted by Europol and the Danish National Police in the context of the Danish EU Presidency. High level representatives were present from 34 European countries as well as Australia, Canada, Colombia, Israel, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine and the USA. Representatives from Interpol, EU agencies and institutions were also present.

“I am impressed with how openly and frankly the different police chiefs exchanged ideas on how to ‘do more with less’. As criminal groups are moving with the times we must do likewise, and we have definitely gained new insights around the concept of smart policing during this year’s European Police Chiefs Convention,” said Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol.