Pavel Syramolatau
Detained on January 17, 2011 on suspicion of the attack on the KGB headquarters in Bobruisk launched on October 14, 2010 in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in September 2010.
On May 18, 2011 was found guilty of intentional destruction of property and sentenced to 7 years of colony with reinforced regime.
For more information on the case and the trial cronicle see tag “attack on Bobruisk KGB”.
The address for letters is:
212030, Slavgorodskoe shosse, 3 km
Mogilev, IK-19
Birthday – April 30.
Artsiom Prakapenka

Artsiom comes from Grodno and studied in Bobruisk. On May 18, 2011 was found guilty of intentional destruction of property and sentenced to 7 years of colony with reinforced regime.
For more information on the case and the trial chronicle see tag “attack on Bobruisk KGB”.
Write Artsiom to: IK-15, 212013, Mogilev, Slavgorodskoe shosse, 183 BELARUS
Birthday – July 27.
Jauhen Vas’kovich

Jauhen was a member of a Belarusian Christian Democracy party and a local [Bobruisk] cell of the Youth Front [nationalist orthodox organisation], he also wrote for the newspaper “Bobruiski courier”.
Earlier was detained after the demonstration at the House of Government on December 19, 2010 and spent 12 days in a detention facility. In his interview after the administrative arrest he stated: “I don’t see any peculiar changes in society since I was set free. As for me, I can tell that I grow angrier about the regime, these fascists. I think one should act the way they act against us. We have to trust and count only on ourselves…”
On January 11, 2011 he was interrogated by KGB and admitted that he was going to participate in non-violent action hereinafter.
On the day before arrest Jauhen took part in the solidarity action with the political prisoners in Mogilev.
In 2010 he ran as a candidate to Bobruisk municipality from Belarusian Christian Democracy. Was a correspondence student in Mogilev State University.
On May 18, 2011 was found guilty of intentional destruction of property and sentenced to 7 years of colony with reinforced regime.
For more information on the case and the trial chronicle see tag “attack on Bobruisk KGB”.
Kept in
Tyurma №4, 212011, ul.Krupskoj 99A, Mogilev BELARUS
Vaskovich Evgeni Sergeevich / Vas’kovich Jauhen Siarheevich*
Birthday – February 26.
* The names are given both in Russian and Belarusian, but we recommend to use the first one (Russian), as the prison register is conducted in Russian.
Ihar Alinievich

Background information:
After the wave of repression against Belarusian anarchists had started in September 2010, Ihar had to hide from the Belarusian special forces abroad.
On November 28, 2010 he was kidnapped by plaincloth cops in Moscow. On November 30, 2010 he was found in KGB prison in Minsk. Thus, breaking all the norms of criminal extradition Ihar was taken to Belarus from Russia less than in 2 days.
Ihar admitted only participation in the antimilitarist march and thowing a smoke grenade on the territory of the General Staff, but doesn’t consider it a criminal act.
The sum of damages inflicted to property is estimated at 100 mln BYR (20 000 $).
Ihar is kept in
IK-10, 211440, Vitebskaya obl., Novopolotsk, ul. Tekhnicheskaya, 8, otr. 12
Olinevich Igor Vladimirovich / Alinevich Ihar Uladzimiravich*
Bithday – September 24.
* The names are given both in Russian and Belarusian, but we recommend to use the first one (Russian), as the prison register is conducted in Russian.
Aliaksandar Frantskievich

Background information:
Along with other anarchists was detained on September 3, 2010 on suspicion of the attack on the Russian embassy in solidarity with the Khimki arrestees. On September 20, 2010 was accused of the attack on the police station in Soligorsk.
The investigation blackmailed Aliaksandr promising the date with his mother for “valuable evidence”.
Despite he has health problems (has only one kidney) Sasha has been kept in pretrial facility since September 2010.
The damage inflicted by the crimes is estimated at 1,9 mln BYR ($400).
Kept in
IK-22 “Volchi nory”, 225295 , Brestskaya obl., Ivatsevichski r-n, st. Domanovo, otr. 2
Frantskevich Aleksandr Vladimirovich / Frantskevich Aliaksandr Uladzimiravich*
Birthday – May 6.
* The names are given both in Russian and Belarusian, but we recommend to use the first one (Russian), as the prison register is conducted in Russian.
Mikalai Dziadok
Background information:
Along with other activists was detained on September 3, 2010 on suspicion of the attack on the Russian embassy in solidarity with the Khimki arrestees. On October 1, 2010 was accused of the participation in the anti-militarist march near the General Staff. He had spent 29 days in a detention facility before the accusation was filed against him, though according to the Belarusian law they could only keep him for 10 days maximum.
Mikalai was consistently denying his fault during the investigation and in court.
He has had some health problems with an ingrown nail but had had to wait for more than a month before having been transported to the prison hospital for an operation.
The damage inflicted by the crimes is estimated at 2.4 mln BYR ($500).
Kept in
IK-17, 213004, Shklov, Mogilevskaja obl.,
Dedok Nikolai Aleksandrovich / Dziadok Mikalai Aliaksandravich*
Birthday – August 23.
* The names are given both in Russian and Belarusian, but we recommend to use the first one (Russian), as the prison register is conducted in Russian.