Killing King Abacus nos. 1 & 2

Full .pdf scans of issues #1 and 2 of Killing King Abacus, an insurrectionary anarchist journal from the earrrly 2000s.
“To Kill King Abacus is to create relations without measure. If we aim to destroy capitalism we cannot reproduce its necrophilic logic which reduces relationships to numbers. To Kill King Abacus is to destroy the social net which privileges mediated transactions and images over direct relations. Because money is a general equivalent and thus is nearly limitless in its applications, it conquers other signifiers of value; capitalism transforms other value systems into itself. To Kill King Abacus is to disrupt this process of quantification. Money may be the most indiscriminate of whores but capitalism is not the only system which measures value. Justice, morality, law and culture itself are all value systems which weigh, judge and channel human action. We want to create relations which defy such equations. We therefore have no need for standardizing models within our struggle. In the absence of value systems desire shoots in new directions. Insurrection is desire rebelling against value.”
Archive of articles and materials also available at:

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Killing King Abacus 1.pdf 10.51 MB
Killing King Abacus 2.pdf 21.98 MB



Convocan a manifestación por los Presos Politicos Mapuche

Después de negarse a que le realizaran una prueba de ADN al interior de la cárcel, se le suspendió beneficio de libertad dominical a José Huenuche, miembro de la Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM). Esto generó indignación entre los comuneros Mapuche, que convocan a una movilización para este sábado 26 de mayo en Santiago bajo las consignas “por la Vida, Dignidad y Libertad de los Presos Politicos Mapuche“.

Continue reading Convocan a manifestación por los Presos Politicos Mapuche

Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism

325 receives and transmits:

Every so often, cyclically, collective or social anarchism becomes restrictive to some anarchists and an anarchist individualism reasserts itself. It happened at the turn of the twentieth century when some of the great anarchist thinkers began to question some of the more communistic dogmas. It is happening once more, and once more we witness some of the social anarchists writhe in panic as their comfortable dream is disturbed and they wittingly or unwittingly reinforce the stranglehold of the State by condemning their unruly sisters and brothers who appear to threaten the pursuit of what one comrade has aptly described as ‘civil anarchism’.

It is a horrible creature, this civil anarchism. A slathering, craven and despotic monster with eyes in the back of its head which tries to be what anarchism will probably never be – palatable to the modern consumer masses.

One of the major qualities that those engaged in making attacks seek is to recover knowledge of themselves and each other, to recover personal power, to enact a radical and dramatic break from Society, with its intolerable cage of the social norm and the consequent deadening of individual sensibility. Some communiqués from this tendency are flowery and poetic in the extreme, and are not to everyone’s taste, but reading an Anarchist Federation statement is deadening. It is the materialist death-march of politics against life, the patriarchal voice of ‘political reason’ against the wild rebel spirit, of the political against me.

The combatants seek to recover volition and dispel the inauthentic. This can only start from your experience, not from the experience or dogmas of others, although it involves your relationship with a few comrades within “the mass” or the “working classes”. Until it is active, on the street, there is little genuine struggle to be found in some abstract crowd of people you have no relationship with. It seems incredible to read the thoughts of those that identify as (Formal) Federation anarchists and even more pointless to have to critique it. It is a bit like critiquing the performance of a clown by the standards applied to a serious drama. The issue for me here is the same denial of individuality that the State imposes – some herding of unique human beings into some utilitarian category by pedagogues and masters who find the individual unwieldy and dangerous, but find an abstract ideological cage immensely comfortable.

Continue reading Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism


recibimos y publicamos

La muerte de nuestro compañero Mauri la asumimos con muchísimo dolor, pero la entendemos como una probable consecuencia en la guerra contra la sociedad y su opresión, sin verlo en función del martirio ni del heroísmo, sin erigirle como representante de ninguna causa más que la individual, sino visualizando la memoria combativa como la valoración de la acción directa violenta que el compañero utilizó junto a otras y multiformes tácticas de lucha.
Muchos colectivos e individuos reivindican sin problemas a vindicadorxs de antaño y a quienes han sido asesinadxs por la policía a lo largo de la guerra social, pero en el caso del Punky Mauri es distinto, vino la crítica de distintos círculos de la izquierda pseudo radical y de algunos grupos de tendencia libertaria por la constante intención de mantener fresca en la memoria las ideas y sueños de un anarquista de acción contemporáneo. Rechazamos esta falsa dicotomía porque reconocemos el rescate de la memoria combativa como un aporte a la continuidad de la lucha. Por eso sus amigxs y compañerxs intentamos que la vida e ideas del Mauri trasciendan más allá del entorno y de las fronteras, sin santificarlo, sino mostrándolo con sus inquietudes, contradicciones y practicas cotidianas. Es así como hoy desde diversas partes del mundo se reivindica su memoria.


Al cuor non si comanda. Lettere dal carcere di Tombolino

Dall’introduzione dell’opuscolo:
“Nelle  strade e al di fuori di qualsiasi lager di  stato è fondamentale contrastare l’azione che il potere usa per attuare i suoi codici, le sue restrizioni ed il suo controllo. So che questo è difficile come lo è pensare all’insurrezione che tanto sogniamo… ma il sottrarsi alle difficoltà significa rimanere schiacciati dall’oppressore, quindi che ognuno/a faccia il suo.”

Gli incassi della vendita dell’opuscolo saranno destinati ai compagni ed alle compagne detenute.

Per richiedere l’opuscolo, 3 euro a copia, scrivete a: vittoriomagli(at)virgilio(dot)it 

Il 7 ottobre 2007 ci ha lasciato a soli 28 anni il nostro compagno, amico, fratello Marco Ferruzzi detto Tombolino.
Ci piace ricordare Marco per la sua infinita passione per la libertà, per il suo odio verso qualsiasi forma di autorità. Nonostante la vita sia stata dura con lui ricorderemo sempre il suo sorriso beffardo e la tenacia con cui ha affrontato ogni avversità. Lo Stato gli ha rubato due anni di vita imprigionandolo in uno dei carceri più brutali d’Italia, anche in questa occasione ha sempre continuato a lottare, nonostante provocazioni e isolamento, con dignità e a testa alta, senza mai rinnegare il suo ideale anarchico.
Marco rimarrà sempre nei nostri cuori e il suo vissuto è una spinta per la realizzazione di un mondo libero da galere e autoritarismi.
I Compagni e le compagne