Tag Archives: CCF

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY BY the anarchist r.o. ccf which was readduring the second trial of the halandri case on 2/3/12 by damiano bolano. Athens

translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow! with respect and revolutionary solidarity
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en/it/gr/es – Greece: ‘Chaos just around the corner’ –by the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos

(Italy, Mexico, Greece)

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Ελλάδα: «Το χάος προ των πυλών» —Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς και Θεόφιλος Μαυρόπουλος

(Ιταλία, Μεξικό, Ελλάδα)

Την Τετάρτη, 13 Ιουνίου, στήθηκε η διεθνής αντιαναρχική εκστρατεία με το όνομα «επιχείρηση ευτολμία». Οι δυνάμεις της ROS (ιταλική αντιτρομοκρατική) και οι καραμπινιέροι τέθηκαν υπό των εντολών της ιεροεξετάστριας-εισαγγελέως Μανουέλα Κομόντι της Περούτζια, και προχώρησαν σε οκτώ συλλήψεις αναρχικών συντρόφων.
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Thessalonique : Mises à jour sur le procès en appel de Polikarpos Georgiadis, Vaggelis Chrisohoidis et Giorgos Haralambidis concernant le “kidnapping de Mylonas”

Affiche faite par le groupe anarchiste cumulonimbus (Corfou), le squat Keli tis Eleftherias, “Cellule de Liberté” (Igoumenitsa) et des compagnon-ne-s de Giannena.


Ceux qui imposent le dilemme ‘esclavage ou pauvreté’ crient : Maître-chanteurs
Ceux qui exterminent toute pensée différente crient : Terroristes
Ceux qui arment leurs videurs crient : Criminels
Ceux qui vivent aux dépenses de la classe ouvrière crient : Voleurs
Ceux qui emprisonnent crient : Kidnappeurs
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Sin banderas Ni Fronteras, edición impresa # 2 + # 1 + Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras comunicados


Desde Mayo circulando en las calles de Santiago de Chile, en ferias de publicaciones, en Biblioteca la Hiedra  (Portales con Cueto, Barrio Yungay**, Metro Quinta Normal) y próximamente en distribuidora Sarri Sarri (San Ignacio #75 local 31).
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Athens: Spectacle of police terrorism against the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos at Evelpidon courts – A communiqué by all of the imprisoned comrades themselves


The trial against the imprisoned CCF members and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos was scheduled for the morning of June 27th at Evelpidon courts, in Athens. In addition to much heavier charges, all ten of them are now prosecuted even for incitement to criminal acts in relation to three texts that had been published online in October–November 2011. The first one was a solidarity text to the anarchist hangout Nadir (in Thessaloniki) and the second one concerned the preliminary investigation due to the text in solidarity with Nadir, both signed by the imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF and Theofilos Mavropoulos.
Continue reading Athens: Spectacle of police terrorism against the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos at Evelpidon courts – A communiqué by all of the imprisoned comrades themselves

en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

Comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, and Christos Tsakalos—in a gesture of solidarity with Olga Economidou, who has been locked up in solitary confinement at Diavata Prison for 49 days—demanded that the trial be suspended. Comrade Damiano Bolano also submitted the same demand in writing, since he didn’t attend the trial in person.
Continue reading en es – Summary of day 22 (Friday, June 22) of 2nd Halandri Case trial

(it-es) Aggiornamenti sul processo contro la CCF e dichiarazione dei compagni imprigionati e di T. Mavropoulos


Continuazione del secondo giudizio del caso “Halandri”. Venerdì 22 giugno

I compagni Christos Tsakalos, Mihalis e Giorgos Nikolopoulos, in un gesto di solidarietà con Olga Ikonomidou che da 49 giorni si trovava rinchiusa in una cella d’isolamento della carcere di Diavata, hanno chiesto che venisse sospeso il giudizio. La stessa richiesta è stata presentata per iscritto (poiché non era lì di persona) anche dal compagno Damiano Bolano.
Continue reading (it-es) Aggiornamenti sul processo contro la CCF e dichiarazione dei compagni imprigionati e di T. Mavropoulos