Category Archives: direct action

en fr – Vancouver Mining Conference Shut Down!

On May 24, 2012 the Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum hosted a luncheon meeting at the Four Season’s Hotel in Vancouver focusing on Compliance Energy Corp’s proposed Raven Coal Mine. The site for this proposed mine is in unceded Pentlach Territory on Vancouver Island, also known as the Comox Valley.The lemon meringue was barely finished with keynote speaker and Compliance Energy Corp. CEO John Tapics mentioning that there was social opposition to Raven Coal, when he and the 100 person conference were abruptly interrupted by a half dozen people who unleashed decaying herring upon them. A chaotic stench and nauseating shower of fermented fish engulfed the room. Herring are only one of the species that will be negatively effected by the mining development. (Contrary to mass media reports it was herring, not excrement)

Simultaneously, coal tumbled onto the ground. The wondrous blend created by insurgent passion was too overwhelming for the industrial capital bosses to handle. People yelled unyielding opposition while pamphlets were strewn in the air to assert the point, “It has Begun! No Compliance! No Compromise! No Coal!”

Those attending had no choice but to step in the mix of herring and coal as they quickly exited, the conference being effectively shut down. The coal, the herring, what a sight, what a smell: never to be whipped, chained, or owned into submission. A great force used to crash the daydreams and sick fantasies of industrial development.

No one was captured or injured. The conference and the hotel were shut down.

This action is a small contribution to the ongoing struggle against the Raven Coal Mine. We are through with dialogue. We do not except the false temptation of economic development. We will not poison ourselves, each other or the earth to survive!
Continue reading en fr – Vancouver Mining Conference Shut Down!

Modena – Imbrattato il municipio contro i marò assassini

fonte: il resto del carlino

Modena, 17 maggio 2012 – La ‘A’ cerchiata, simbolo universale dell’anarchismo, ha fatto capolino ieri mattina da alcuni muri della città, a ‘sigillo’ di alcune scritte contro lo stato, il capitale e i marò italiani trattenuti in India. “Vendetta per i proletari uccisi dal capitale” e “Marò assassini”: queste le frasi scritte con lo spray nero che sono comparse sulle parete dello scalone del municipio (e subito cancellate dagli addetti dell’amministrazione). […] Oltre alle scritte, i vandali hanno lanciato gavettoni di vernice contro lo striscione con i volti dei due militari, appesa al balcone del municipio. […]


Salonicco – Rivendicato attacco incendiario contro succursale bancaria

da es.contrainfo

trad. ParoleArmate

Lunedì mattina, 21 maggio, abbiamo collocato un dispositivo incendiario in una succursale bancaria in Papandreou av. nel quartiere di Neapoli. Abbiamo designato questo manipolo di ladroni come nostro obiettivo perché, oltre al loro ruolo di magnacci del sistema e ultimamente di parassiti, vogliamo essere solidali con l’anarchico Rami Syrianos accusato di un esproprio durante un’asta ODDY.
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Tesalónica, Grecia: Reivindicación de ataque incendiario a sucursal bancaria

La madrugada del lunes, 21 de mayo, colocamos un artefacto incendiario en la sucursal bancaria ubicada en la avenida Papandreou en el barrio de Neapoli. Hemos elegido este lugar de ladrones como nuestro blanco, porque aparte de su papel de alcahuete y, últimamente, parásito también del sistema, queríamos solidarizarnos con el anarquista Rami Syrianos al que se acusa de la expropiación de la casa de subastas ODDY.
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(es-it) La Paz, Bolivia: Ataque explosivo en el cajero del “Gran Cuartel Militar de Miraflores” / video

-el lugar donde estaba el cajero-

por Célula Anárquica Por la Solidaridad Revolucionaria. FAI/FRI- Bolivia

A tres años de la muerte en combate del punky Mauri… 

La memoria viviente no nació para servir como tinta. Tiene más vocación de catapulta. No quiere ser un lugar de llegada sino que un puerto de salida. No niega la nostalgia pero prefiere la esperanza, sus peligros, sus intemperies.”  Jean-Marc Rouillan.
Continue reading (es-it) La Paz, Bolivia: Ataque explosivo en el cajero del “Gran Cuartel Militar de Miraflores” / video

Bristol, Reino Unido: Reivindicacion del sabotaje a líneas ferroviarias

El objetivo de un ataque de guerrilla es la difusión de la lucha en los diversos contextos y facetas de la vida. Finanzas, tribunales, comunicaciones, estructuras militares e infraestructuras de transporte continuarán siendo objetivos de la nueva generación de guerrilla urbana de baja intensidad.

– Federación Anarquista Informal (FAI) / Frente Revolucionario Inetrnacional

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en fr – Sint-Niklaas – Incendiary attack against Audi/VW car dealership

SINT-NIKLAAS – Huge arson in a Audi/Volkswagen car dealership in the industrial zone of Europark-South. Around 22h30, alarm was sounded: several cars on the parking of the car dealership were on fire and the fire had spreaded to the working facilities. In total, 10 cars are completely burned, several others damaged and no more reparable. The atelier also suffered heavy damage. Firemen prevented a far bigger arson due to their intervention, because the cars that were put on fire were the ones standing close to the petrol-reservoir of the car dealership.

Continue reading en fr – Sint-Niklaas – Incendiary attack against Audi/VW car dealership

Paint Bomb Attack against Indonesian Embassy (Philippines)

325 receives and transmits:

24 May 2012

Solidarity Action For Eat and Billy

A paint bomb attack against the Indonesian Embassy happened May 24,
2012 in the vicinity of Makati, Philippines. Around 1am a group of people started to throw a black paint to the wall and inside the perimeter of the said embassy. After that they left leaflets on the scene stating “FREEDOM TO EAT AND BILLY, FREEDOM TO ALL THE VICTIMS OF STATE REPRESSION, STOP THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION, INDONESIAN STATE IS THE REAL TERRORIST.”

This was an act of solidarity for Eat and Billy….