Tag Archives: under control

Etats-Unis : L’empire des drones

La place qu’occupe les drones dans la contre-insurrection ne cesse de se développer. De nouvelles générations d’engins sont à l’étude, comme celui à propulsion nucléaire, en mesure de voler de façon ininterrompue pendant des mois, et un petit « drone kamikaze » qui plombe sur l’objectif en le détruisant avec sa charge explosive. Le Pentagone a décidé d’augmenter de 30% sa flotte actuelle de 7.500 drones, en dépensant 32 milliards de dollars.
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South African intel officials faked threats to increase spy budget

The tendency of some spy agencies to overstate security threats in order to secure governmental funds is hardly novel. But officials in the South African Secret Service appear to have gone a step further: they allegedly paid some of their informants to make bogus threats against the government, in order to prompt an increase in counterterrorist funding. According to Pretoria News, which is owned by The Independent, South Africa’s largest newspaper consortium, the bogus threats were aimed at creating “a false impression of imminent, unprecedented attacks on black people and African National Congress (ANC) members”.
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Europol boosts its reach, scope and information-gathering

The 2011 annual report of Europol makes clear that the agency, whose work is not subject to European or national parliamentary scrutiny, is significantly increasing the scope of its activities, its geographical reach, and its information-gathering, exchange and analysis. [1]

The report, submitted to the Council of the European Union on 15 May, states that Europol’s “crucial role is increasingly recognised” and that the agency has “increasing engagement from our operational partners combined with increasing attention from our strategic stakeholders.”
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Ex-police spy Mark Kennedy’s current business activities in the US

According to a recent post on Indymedia UK, Mark Kennedy, who was exposed as a police infiltrator of various movements in the UK and beyond in October 2010, is still actively seeking to operate as a private consultant. He  appears to be based in the US, although this is not certain.
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Descuberto un infiltrado da policía nos movementos sociais sevillanos

Luis García Torres, así facíase chamar o madeiro infiltrado que durante un ano espiou aos distintos ambientes radicais da cidade de Sevilla. Desenmascarado a principios deste mes polos que crían ser os seus amigos, tras unha longa lista de metidas de pata, Luis desaparece definitivamente cando un coche patrulla aparece repentinamente para levalo detido xusto no momento no que se lle requerían probas de que realmente era quen dicía ser. Curioso caso de “deus ex machina” que resolveu “in extremis” o aperto no que os seus compañeiros de militancia o estaban a situar ao pedirlle que lles amosase o piso no que dicía vivir.
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Strategie di contro-insurrezione: “Attack the network”corso anti-IED dell’esercito italiano.

Realizzato dall’esercito italiano in collaborazione con la NATO e svolto presso il comando della brigata alpina Taurinense, si è concluso nella seconda metà di aprile il quarto corso per la lotta contro l’impiego di ordigni esplosivi artigianali (I.E.D.) denominato “Attack the network”.
Continue reading Strategie di contro-insurrezione: “Attack the network”corso anti-IED dell’esercito italiano.

Frontex: Greece needs assistance to combat illegal immigration

Greece needs assistance as it can not combat alone the inflow of illegal immigrants said Frontex executive director Ilka Laitinen in response to a relevant request by ND European Parliament deputy Giorgos Papanikolaou.

Frontex chief agreed with the Greek Eurodeputy that Turkey’s refusal to cooperate is a tough blow to efforts to combat illegal immigration.

Furthermore, he underlined that Greece’s problem did not lie with the arrest and registration of illegal immigrants but with the management of the number of illegal immigrants entering into the country. On this specific point the new asylum service should play an important role.

Source: http://www.defencegreece.com/index.php/2012/06/frontex-greece-needs-assistance-to-combat-illegal-immigration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=frontex-greece-needs-assistance-to-combat-illegal-immigration