Tag Archives: report

Ecco chi sono le ditte del Tav. Pubblichiamo il dossier C’E’ LAVORO E LAVORO!

Pubblichiamo il dossier integrale che il movimento notav ha redatto e sta presentando nei paesi della Valle sulle ditte alle quali sono stati affidati i lavori del cantiere di Chiomonte. Lo facciamo perchè serve chiarezza in questa vicenda e in questo modo sono chiare una volta in più a tutti le motivazioni che ci spingono ad avversare questo anello del “sistema Tav”.
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ZENKIOTO : Les comités de luttes étudiants des années 1960, et l’anarchisme au Japon.

A la fin des années 1960, devant la très autoritaire et toute puissante Zengakuren -organisation étudiante majoritaire-, pilotée par le Parti Communiste Japonais (PCJ), se dresse une partie des étudiant-e-s qui donnent vie à une forme organisationnelle inédite : Le Zenkioto, ou comités de lutte.
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General Report on Europol’s activities in 2011

“A new version of the EIS was developed in 2011. The most important feature is the hit/no-hit search possibility for Designated Competent Authorities. This is the first time that access to the EIS can be granted beyond the Member States’ Europol National Units to frontline law enforcement officers.” (p.21) and “A significant improvement was also achieved in terms of interoperability of core information management systems. In October 2011 a new function, the Europol Links Manager (ELM), went live.

Within the boundaries of the Europol legal framework it enables automated cross-checking of analysis work files, 10.4 repository, the EIS, and the Enhanced Risk Entities Solution (ERES). The latter is a repository containing open source data purchased by Europol from a commercial intelligence provider. Compared to the previous cross-checking arrangement the ELM widens the range of data sources, enhances usability and flexibility, and addresses several important data protection issues.” (download pdf from statewatch.org)