Tag Archives: indonesia

INDONESIA, KULON PROGO: il Governo ci costringe a continuare a combattere.

Il piano di estrarre le sabbie ferrose lungo la costa sud del Kulon Progo (Java) continua ad essere dalla PPLP, associazione degli agricoltori costieri. Le manifestazioni continuano come pure gli sforzi del governo e degli investitori per assicurarsi che il progetto della miniera di sabbie ferrose porti loro profitti. Perche’ il PPLP continua a battersi senza cercare spazio per un negoziato? Quell ache segue e’ l’intervista che il giornale locale ha fatto con Widodo, membro della PPLP.
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from indonesia

Six years on, and still fighting Lapindo

Recently, 3000 victims of the mud volcano created by the Lapindo company’s drilling operations, whose homes were in the affected area, once again demonstrated their feelings outside the East Java Governor’s office in Surabaya. They were asking the provincial government to lend money to PT Minarak Lapindo Jaya so the company would be able to pay the compensation money it owed. The demonstrators came from places inside the designated affected zone, for example Renokenongo, Siring, Jatirejo and Glagah Arum villages in Porong district, and Kedungbendo and Ketapang in Tanggulangin District.
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en it – Letter from Eat, member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF (Indonesia)

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) is serving a 1 year 8 month jail term for burning down an ATM bank with fellow comrade Billy Augustan, as members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF.

Dear comrades, proud ‘members’ of FAI/IRF Global, our imprisoned friends of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and all the groups, individuals, who dedicate their lives to end the mega-machine of control and domination and to all the anarcho-heretics.
Continue reading en it – Letter from Eat, member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF (Indonesia)

en es – Anarchists and Traditional Fisherfolk Resist Land Reclamation: Two People Taken by Police.

[a note from NEGASI: Since 2009, the resistance to coastal reclaimation in Manado Bay has escalated. On the front line of these actions are the traditional fisherfolk from different communities along Manado Bay. After the actions of fisherfolk from Sario Tumpaan and people from Kalasey beach, now the fisherfolk of Malalayang II are also showing their resolve to resist.]
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Anarchist and Traditional Fishermen Refuse Coastal Reclamation, 2 People Kidnapped by Police (Indonesia)

Rough translation from Negasi:

Notes from Negasi: Since 2009, the escalation of resistance in Manado Bay against coastal reclamation intensified. Forefront of this action is a traditional fishing area spread over several points along the Gulf coast of Manado. In addition to fishermen on the beach Tumpaan Sario, Kalasey coastal communities and fishermen who are now on the beach Malalayang II also present persistent denial.
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