Tag Archives: felicity a r

es/en – Carta de la compañera Felicity Ryder desde algun lugar fuera de las jaulas

“Quiero aclarar que a pesar de todas las mentiras de las fuerzas policiales del Distrito Federal y los medios, nunca me detuvieron y nunca me han tenido presa en ninguna de sus cárceles. […] estoy orgullosa de ser Anarquista, de ser enemiga del poder, de la autoridad y del Estado.”
Continue reading es/en – Carta de la compañera Felicity Ryder desde algun lugar fuera de las jaulas

Letter from compañero Mario Antonio López Hernández + Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity (Mexico)


Revolutionary solidarity to Mario – Stay free Felicity. [Original, Spanish-language source here English translation via slackbastard.]
Continue reading Letter from compañero Mario Antonio López Hernández + Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity (Mexico)

en/it/gr/es – Greece: ‘Chaos just around the corner’ –by the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos

(Italy, Mexico, Greece)

Continue reading en/it/gr/es – Greece: ‘Chaos just around the corner’ –by the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos

Mexico: Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López “the Gut”

“Solidarity is the heart of the struggle against Power – Freedom to Mario Antonio López Hernández”


Word as a means of unifying tendencies.
Action as a means of reestablishing principles in practical life.

—Práxedis G. Guerrero
Continue reading Mexico: Joint communiqué from anarchist collectives and organizations in solidarity with Mario López “the Gut”