Netherlands: Squatting not dead yet

You might think that squatting in the Netherlands has died a death since criminalisation in 2010. But that’s simply not true!



All over the country unused buildings are still welcoming new inhabitants and things are still happening:

  • Whilst things have become tougher in Amsterdam with the new mayor who says a law is a law and must be enforced, squatting continues, with two new places successfully cracked this weekend in the east of the city. You can read the neighbourhood letter of one place here. It was squatted by a large group and welcomed by neighbours. Earlier in the day, fifty squatters helped to take another building, which has stood empty for years.

  • Evictions also of course can still happen with new squats, such as in Ede and Utrecht.
  • An old farmhouse was squatted recently in Eelderwoude, a small village near to Groningen, up north.
  • And there are plenty of other things going on without necessarily putting it on the internet – for example in Rotterdam – people are still squatting in Crooswijk, where the whole development plan has frozen and the demolition permits have expired for streets which are mainly squatted or anti-squat (with a few remaining renters).
  • Also Valreep, a social centre in Amsterdam was squatted almost a year ago (after the squatban) and has quickly become a busy, well-used place with a lovely garden project.

  • Plus, long-standing social centres continue to exist such as Huize Spoorloos in Emmen and Joe’s Garage in Amsterdam.


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